Chelsea Handler Spouts Anti-Immigrant Statement About Melania Trump

There is nothing more satisfying than watching somebody on the left choke on their hypocrisy. The “tolerant,” “caring,” “loving” left is a treasure trove of divisiveness, indifference, and hatred. It requires a little scratching to get past that thin layer of self-righteousness, but it’s there. This time, it’s Chelsea Handler who let the mask slip.


During an interview, Handler was asked if she’d ever have President Trump on her show. She says, “No.” Then she is asked about First Lady Melania Trump. Here’s what she said:

“Melania? To talk about what? She can barely speak English.”

In the scheme of things, Chelsea Handler is nothing. However, this illuminates just how full of s**t the left is when they start tut-tutting and finger-wagging about tolerance and speaking out against “hatred.”

Hatred and intolerance are perfectly acceptable on the left, so long as they hate the right people.

In the case of Chelsea Handler, it’s perfectly acceptable for her to poke fun at the broken English of an immigrant because she’s married to Donald Trump. Play the game of, “What if she were a Republican?” and people would be screaming to have her head delivered to the door of her target on plate.

Unfortunately, leftists such as Handler get away with such nonsense. Because she’s all about the “love.”


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