When a President is elected, before being sworn into office, the election needs to be certified. In the House, a joint session of Congress meets and confirms the electoral votes for the candidates are authentic, and they are officially recorded.
There is a procedure allowing members to protest the certification results and Democrats wanted to do that. The problem is, the signature of a Senator is required for any protest to be considered valid. Democrats did not get that signature.
In this video, Vice President Joe Biden continually has to remind his fellow party morons on Friday that their objections are invalid. The best part is watching Paul Ryan who is seated behind Biden, rolling his eyes and smiling/chuckling at the absurdity of what is supposed to be a routine effort.
Check it out: (eye roll at around 30 seconds, smiling at 1:28)
Ironically, it is surprising Democrats didn’t have a Senator sign on to this nonsense. Barbara Boxer did in 2004, saying in effect, Ohio’s votes were invalid. Shockingly, no Democratic Senators signed on in 2001 when certifying the electoral votes of President George W. Bush.
Time to move on, Democrats.
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