The #PeoplesClimate March exposes the Climate Campaign for the Socialists they are

This past Friday, just over 300,000 people gathered in New York City* for a “People’s Climate March” to push the climate change/global warming agenda forward, and over the weekend, the related “Flood Wall Street” protest developed on its heels. Among the more notable attendees were Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, and Edward Norton. If the media had any honesty, what we would have heard from the major news networks and websites is that the climate campaign finally fully outed themselves as the socialists they are at the protest this weekend. Fortunately for us, CFACT was there, and their reports expose the Greens for the Reds they really are.* As if the presence of the word “People’s” in the name of their protest wasn’t enough, we find out from CFACT’s  main report:


The event, held at the Unitarian Church of All Souls, was titled “THE CLIMATE CRISIS: WHICH WAY OUT.” The event was permeated with socialist literature with the Socialist Alternative newspaper prominently on display.

When Kshama Sawant, a socialist who won a seat on the Seattle City Council, noted she was the first socialist elected in decades, the church erupted in applause.

“A socialist world that will deliver a high standard of living for all,” Sawant said to applause.

Sawant ripped the current economic system: “The market is God, everything is being sacrificed on the altar of profits,” Sawant declared.  “We must bring giant corporations into public ownership. You cannot control what you don’t own,” she added.

As we also learn from the report, Independent/Socialist US Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont also spoke. However, he was not greeted with resounding approval, as he did face some criticism from the crowd for supporting “war”. A few activists unfurled a banner making their opposition to his stance plain. Yes, Sen. Sanders is too far right for these people.

Naomi Klein was on the same panel as Sawant and Sanders. As CFACT’s report notes:

During the panel discussion, Klein was asked: “Even if climate change issue did not exist, you would be calling for same structural changes. Klein responded:  ‘Yeah.’

Following the panel, Climate Depot asked Klein if she would support all the same climate “solutions” even if the science was wrong.

“Yes, I would still be for social justice even if there was not climate change. Yes, you caught me Marc [Morano, of CFACT/Climate Depot],” Klein answered sarcastically as she abruptly ended the interview.

Klein told the activists she recommended “weaving this [climate] movement into all of our movements.”


From CFACT’s photo essay of the protest, we also find out that the Revolutionary Communists were present and well-accounted among the protesters:

Marxists at Climate March

And finally, they spoke with some of the actual protesters, who said, among other things, “The Capitalists, they made [socialism] a dirty word.” They posted a video of the best quotes, including the preceding, on Youtube:

If that wasn’t enough for you, Katherine Timpf at the National Review spoke with some of the protesters as well.

For those of us opposed to the climate campaign, it should come as no surprise that the movement is full of avowed Marxists. Pushing policies to deal with “climate change” is yet another way of trying to control “the masses”, while the elites hypocritically live the good life and jet around the world to inform us of “our” duty to make sacrifices to save out planet. It’s the same with any Marxist movement.

Derek Hunter at the Daily Caller‘s DC Trawler is right. If you have one idiot show up to a Tea Party gathering with a Confederate flag or racist costume or poster, the media will descend like a murder of crows to harass and raise Cain about the supposed racism of the Tea Party, yet you have a climate protest full of Marxists and Marxist rhetoric, and there is almost complete silence. The media paid a lot of attention to the politicians and celebrities in attendance, but gave very little coverage to the actual marchers themselves. Now that we’ve seen who was taking part in this march, we can clearly see why! It’s time to call the climate campaign what it is: a Marxist front.


*=While some praise the event for turning out this many, this was far from the largest climate-related gathering in New York City. The 1990 Earth Day parade brought out between 750,000 and 1.5 million people.

**=”Watermelons”, I believe, is the term used for these folks.


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