(Via Caleb Howe at TruthRevolt)
The quest for the truth on Benghazi made a little progress yesterday, but that hasn’t stopped the developments from being any more outrageous. As the Benghazi Select Committee discovered yesterday, Hillary Clinton’s State Department fabricated the name “special mission compound” for a portion of the embassy’s facilities at Benghazi in order to dodge security standards for it. Representative Pete Roskam (R-IL) found this out while grilling Todd Keil a member of the Independent Panel on Best Practices that was conducted in the aftermath of the attack. Digitas Daily has the video:
So what we’ve found out here is that the State Department was intentionally lax in its security for the a portion of the embassy because it wanted to dodge. As Howe notes in his post the Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) is:
The Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) is an interagency body created to assist the Secretary in carrying out the statutory security responsibilities prescribed by the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986. The OSPB provides a mechanism for collective consultation with other Federal agencies, and has been assigned responsibility to develop security polices and standards. OSPB security standards are threat-indexed countermeasures (i.e., actions, devices, procedures, or techniques that reduce vulnerability). Missions must conform to OSPB approved security standards found in the Foreign Affairs Handbook (FAH) 12 FAH-6 in order to maintain appropriate security of the mission.
This is willful negligence, and I’m guess this isn’t the only example of it involving Benghazi. We have to wonder what other unsavory details will come out during the Select Committee’s investigation.
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