At the CNN Debate: White People For the Win. Token Hispanic To Ask Immigration Question.

The Democratic debate last night was a festival of old white liberals. There wasn’t an old white liberal behind the podium. All of them relished in the banality of old white liberal upper income thoughts. Even the crowd was whiter than a gathering of Santa Claus and his elves.


The Democrats onstage in Las Vegas last night were all about the social programs to take care of the people they encounter between the front door of their home and the open door of their limo. There will be cradle to grave government programs, but we somehow will not wind up like Denmark because we have more people and more people with skin colors darker than those five old leftists on stage.

About the only thing missing from that stage were birkenstocks and singing the Internationale before the show started. Hillary Clinton actually had to defend capitalism from Bernie Sanders who tried to make his economic policies moral policies, citing Pope Francis. Clinton, of all things, suggested the burdens Sanders would impose would stifle innovation.

Contrasting Sanders, Clinton just wants some sort of free education, some sort of paid family leave for all businesses everywhere, and when those innovators unburdened by non-Sanders economic policies actually do well, Clinton intends to take all their money and give it to other people. She claimed the rich aren’t taxed enough and the middle class are taxed too much. She ignored the fact that Barack Obama has been President for seven years and done jack. She tried to blame the Republicans, but the Democrats ran the place for two solid, unobstructed years.


The ideas spouted off on that stage were the ideas you get from a bunch of overly wined up ivy league professors who go to the Hamptons for vacation staying in the subsidized placed of inherited wealth. Government can solve every problem, keep everyone safe, and pay for everything. They ignore the fact that the money has to come from somewhere other than China. Any recognition of the fact that the money comes from American citizens is deflected by the presumption that those with the money can have it confiscated from them and will do so as willingly as the easy millionaires of Hollywood and trust funds are willing to depart with their own.

There was, of course, no recognition that higher taxes will not help pay down an ever growing national debt. There was no real substance on the idea of cutting government. The only government these rich white liberals want to cut is anything they perceive as a carve out for rich special interests. That is not good enough. No amount of tax increases will actually pay down the national debt, but probably will slow down a still struggling economy.

Fat must be cut somewhere, but they refused to say where.

Instead, in Las Vegas, the rich white liberals promised that government will wipe our backsides and take guns away from everyone. The crowd of less rich white liberals loved it all and cheered. The rich white liberals doubled down with the word “free” and “abortion,” and the crowd cheered more. The liver spots on the skins of the candidates gave more diversity than their answers to questions or their proposals.


The old geezers on stage, well past their bed time, could not have been more pleased with themselves. Their unity on subsidy reaffirmed for them that America is great still and ripe for raiding the bank accounts of its citizens.

Let’s turn now to the token Hispanic who can ask the old white liberals about Hispanic immigration before letting the old white liberals bask in their rich liberal whiteness again. That was CNN’s only predictable misstep. The rest of the missteps were all the candidates on stage too old, white, and liberal to realize just how out of step with America they are.


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