If we demanded that only people who understand Christianity covered it in the press, we’d maybe only have a dozen journalists worldwide who were capable of writing about the faith. But it comes in handy today, given the Pope’s latest. I’m not even Catholic, but laughed when I woke up and saw headlines that the Pope was suddenly letting people be forgiven.
It’s as if the media forgot about that guy named Jesus.
In any event, Ed Morrisey breaks down what the Pope did and did not do. Turns out, in offering a way back into the Catholic Church for those who’ve had an abortion, the Pope is really only just affirming existing practice. Likewise, what the media misses, is the Pope’s expectation of repentance.
Again, I’m not Catholic and I understand the often obscure nature of what the present Pope does, but seriously people — this is not new stuff and even this Presbyterian knows it.
There is this guy named Jesus. If you repent and believe in him, you get everlasting life. The Pope does not have the power to override that and is not behaving in a way that suggests he thinks he can.
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