The United States Supreme Court has ruled that gay marriage is a right. Ironically, Chief Justice Roberts, who yesterday decided words do not really mean what they say in laws, penned a stinging dissent that the constitution’s words no longer mean anything.
There were a number of conservatives, particularly evangelicals, who had somehow convinced themselves this day would never come. Some of us might have expected a couple more years before it happened, but many evangelicals deluded themselves into thinking it would just never happen.
It has.
First, I think those of us who disagree should, like Chief Justice Roberts, congratulate the gay rights movement on a hard fought win. It was a sweeping and rapid victory.
Second, I think it is important to note that what the gay rights movement did this not through democratic action, but through judicial fiat. Most states had legislated prohibitions or constitutional amendments blocking gay marriage. Judges undid them, not the people.
Third, regardless of point two, we should understand that more and more Americans are willing to recognize gay marriage. Polling has suggested for a while there may not be as much support as polls show, but that number will go up.
Republicans can now, however move to more favorable political ground since the Supreme Court has taken this issue off the political table. Most Americans recognize that there must be religious protections in place for people of faith.
The gay rights movement has been mercilessly harassing Christian business owners, driving them from jobs, etc. States and the federal government should protect those business owners.
Make no mistake — this is not the end of a march, but the beginning of a new march. You will be made to care. You will be forced to pick a side. Should you pick the side of traditional marriage, you can expect left to be ruthless. After all, the Supreme Court has said gay marriage is a not just a right, but a fundamental right.
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