The Houston Chronicle's Dylan Baddour (@DylanBaddour) Lied About Ted Cruz

Dylan Baddour is a “reporter” for the Houston Chronicle and penned a blatant lie grossly mischaracterizing [mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ]. In fact, Dylan Baddour’s lie was so dishonest and blatant that the Houston Chronicle has been forced to revise his article.


As Caleb Howe notes at Truth Revolt, Cruz was on the Eric Metaxas radio program talking about the United States’s Supreme Court possibly mandating states recognize gay marriage.

Cruz used the phrase “mandatory gay marriage” in the course of the conversation.

Dylan Baddour of the Houston Chronicle penned a story on this. He began it by claiming Cruz had said the Supreme Court’s decision would force Cruz and other men to have gay marriages.

Yes, a “reporter” claimed that. The Houston Chronicle had to . . . ummm . . . fix Dylan Baddour’s story.


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