House Conservatives Are the Forest Gumps of Congress

The worst of the lot in the U.S. House of Representatives are the supposed conservatives. They get all hot and bothered by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and Jesus and spending, then they fold like cheap suits. They claim they want to stop amnesty, but they lack the testicular conviction to vote against the rule on the legislation.


Legislation comes to the floor in the House of Representatives with a rule attached to it. Kill the rule, you kill the legislation. If you support the rule, then the legislation can get to the floor and the GOP can cut deals with Democrats to get it passed.

House conservatives are so spineless, timid, and rudderless they will play lap dog to [mc_name name=’Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B000589′ ], pass the rule to the continuing resolution for him, then run home to mama to say they voted against the legislation that ultimately passes because of what they did.

At least Forest Gump lucked his way through life with a kind personality.

All the House conservatives do is suck the chocolate off and give you a box of saliva covered nuts.


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