The Latest in the Hillary Clinton Fantasy Porn Genre: The Neo-Cons Are Coming

This crap is going to be insufferable over the next few years. A whole new genre of political writing has started — the Hillary Clinton fantasy porn genre.

In the latest, brought to us by Jacob Heilbrunn, the neoconservatives are going to come out for Hillary Clinton. Seriously.


Much of it is predicated on a Rand Paul nomination for the GOP, which is not exactly likely given the GOP’s pattern of nominations. But even so, the odds of such a shift would be small.

Remember Benghazi?

Remember blaming the video tape?

Remember assisting Al Qaeda in Libya and bungling our way through Iraq and our dealings with Iran and Syria? Most of that happened or started while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. And the neocons remember and dislike that record.

In fact, Hillary Clinton has nothing to show for herself except scandal and an unread memoir. Though Jacob Heilbrunn can name one neocon in her orbit, it does not make a pattern. It is also a certainty that Clinton would not run embracing George W. Bush’s foreign policy, but condemning it. Otherwise she’d have a challenge from the left, where she is already distrusted.

Hillary Clinton openly or privately seeking neocon support would fracture her coalition. This is just more fantasy porn by Clinton supporters.


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