The primary is just around the corner in South Carolina. If you have not made up your mind who to support, let me suggest Pat McKinney.
I mentioned on twitter a while back I was supporting Pat, but then hit a lot of travel and vacation and never got to posting here. I want to make sure you guys in South Carolina know, though, that he’s the best guy for the job.
What we have seen repeatedly in South Carolina are a bunch of corporate interests and crony capitalists undermine the small government vision of the conservatives in South Carolina. Through ties in the legislature, they have been able to undermine and obstruct the conservative agenda.
Pat McKinney is on our side in those fights and will stand with Governor Haley in the push away from corrupting special interests that put the purse and power of the bigs ahead of main street and the entrepreneurial citizens of South Carolina.
If you want a real small government conservative for Lt. Governor of South Carolina, Pat McKinney is the only choice. He’s also backed by the well respected South Carolina Club for Growth. So go vote for Pat.
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