“More Americans than ever want Obamacare repealed.” Lately, we’ve seen that kind of headline with increasing frequency because the American people know Obamacare is a failure. And it should not come as a surprise – we’ve been warning about the fallout from Obamcare for years. The question is, what will the Republican-controlled House do about it. Before we can make the goal of stopping Obamacare into reality, we need leadership.
Fortunately, this month Heritage Action for America will embark on their Defund Obamacare Town Hall Tour to bolster support to stop Obamacare. Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint will be on the tour, as will Rafael Cruz. Yes, that is Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) dad, who also happens to be a Heritage Action Sentinel.
Where can you find them?
Monday, August 19, 2013 – Fayetteville, AR
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 – Dallas, TX
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 – Tampa, FL
Thursday, August 22, 2013 – Nashville, TN
Friday, August 23, 2013 – Birmingham, AL
Monday, August 26, 2013 – Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, August 27, 2013 – Columbus, OH
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 – Pittsburgh, PA
Thursday, August 29, 2013 – Wilmington, DE
Every day, Americans are experiencing the pain of Obamacare and to add insult to injury, Congress is exempting itself from Obamacare.
How many blows does Congress expect the American people to take? Conservatives are uniting around the defund effort. At this point, it’s the best option to derail Mr. Obama’s failed health care law. Simply delaying certain aspects of the law is not sufficient. It’s weak.
The strongest approach is to defund the law entirely, rendering it unable to separate patients from their doctors. Sadly, some D.C. politicians have less enthusiasm than a wet rag, and would rather have futile discussions about the political implications of fighting to stop Obamacare. The American people deserve better from their public servants. They deserve an honest discussion with the folks they sent to Washington to represent them. The Heritage Action Defund Obamacare Tour – which will take place in nine cities across the country – is a perfect forum for the discussion.
Congress needs to stop masquerading as a board of directors. They need to respond to the wishes of the American people and make Obamacare a thing of the past. Now’s the time.
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