With friends like these…Life News confirms Georgia Right to Life is opposed to one of the most pro-life pieces of legislation to come out of Congress since the partial birth abortion ban.
While the rest of the pro-life movement lobbies today for the ban on abortions from 20 weeks to the point of birth, one pro-life organization is apparently calling members of Congress to oppose it.Georgia Right to Life issued an action alert to its members calling on them to urge members of Congress to oppose the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1797) because it, as most pro-life legislation does, has exceptions for rape and incest. Women considering an abortion late in pregnancy likely never consider an abortion for such a reason, but GRTL decided that those exceptions were enough to seek the defeat of a bill that would stop late-term abortions that have killed 1-2 million unborn children since Roe.
This all or nothing approach might be admirable until you consider, not the conjecture, but the actual data. The number of abortions after 20 weeks that arise from rape or incest are very small. Even if, suddenly, women started claiming rape or incest to have abortions after 20 weeks, we would more likely than not see a 100% increase.For the sake of argument and because math is hard, presume there are 100,000 annual post-20 week abortions excluding rape and incest. Now presume suddenly 90% of those abortions become attributed to rape or incest. While that is not going to happen, even so, that would still save 10,000 additional lives per year.For the sake of further argument, let’s assume the absolutists are right and that 100% of those cases will suddenly claim rape or incest. Well then the situation would be no different from status quo.So if Georgia Right to LIfe were right, the situation under HR 1797 would be unchanged from the status quo. If Georgia Right to Life is wrong — the more likely presumption — they would rather keep the slaughter for purity of cause than save lives. You can read the Georgia Right to Life action alert here.They claim the legislation was hijacked. In truth, the legislation had the rape/incest exception added to increase its likelihood of passage and prevent Democrats from attacking the GOP as anti-women in the process.Members of the Georgia General Assembly tell me that this past year the Georgia legislature passed a fetal pain bill that was heavily opposed by left-wing groups and Georgia Right to Life. One member of the state legislature told me, while the legislature was actively working to stop abortions after 20 weeks — the point at which a child in utero can feel pain — Georgia Right to Life was impossible to work with, rude, and quite obnoxious. It left members of the legislature scratching their heads wondering why they were bothering to pass pro-life legislation that would save lives when the pro-life group in town was attacking them for doing it.And we can now add for certain that Georgia Right to Life would rather keep having children slaughtered, even past the point of feeling pain, unless they can get an all or nothing solution. How many children must die before Georgia Right to Life recognizes its folly.
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