Missouri State Senators Mike Parson and Tom Dempsey are working toward a cave on Obamacare as best they can in Missouri.
Senator Parson has filed SB 456, a “shell” of legislation into which multiple sources in and around the Missouri legislator expect they’ll put an expansion of Medicaid.
Over 70% of Missourians voted to oppose implementation of Obamacare in a ballot initiative, but several people I’ve spoken to said this legislation would act as an end run around the will of the people and be focused on Medicaid, without focusing on state exchanges, mandates, etc.
The result would still be the same.
The Missouri Senate President has handpicked a committee to look at expansion of Medicaid in Missouri and Speaker Timothy Jones has set up a working group. All these acts are happening in unison and many are fearful there’ll be a coordinated rush to push through Medicaid expansion before voters can rally.
If you live in Missouri, go to the RedState Action Center right now and take action to stop the legislature from expanding Medicaid.
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