the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. Will The People of Texas Fold or Fight For Conservatives?
2. Dear House Republicans: This Will Be Unacceptable
3. Let’s Take Barack Obama’s Advice on the Debt Limit
4. “The Deficit” Is The Wrong Yardstick
5. Repeal of the Job-Killing Health Care Act will NOT Increase the Deficit
1. Will The People of Texas Fold or Fight For Conservatives?
People of Texas, I put this post as the first post of the day at RedState and at the top of my Morning Briefing because I cannot emphasize just how important it is.The long term future of conservatism and federalism is in your hands today. You will either hurt us as a nation or help us as a nation. Yes, there is a monumental issue before your State House of Representatives and you must get on the phones today to help us all.On Monday, House Republicans in Texas will decide between Joe Straus and Ken Paxton as their choice for Speaker of the Texas House.Ken Paxton is a clear conservative who will fight for states’ rights, strong federalism, and conservative values and policy.Joe Straus is, at best, an opportunist and at worse a Democrat. Straus became the Speaker of a Republican State House with the votes of a united Democratic caucus and 11 Republicans.This year, Joe Straus has worked overtime to elect liberal Democrats to the State House. His candidates were rejected by the voters.Now you must put the fear of the Almighty and Living God in your State Representative that if he dare vote for Joe Straus for Speaker of the House, or any other candidate put up to steal votes from Ken Paxton, you will primary his sorry butt out of office.With redistricting, the fight over Obamacare, and the fight between Washington and the states all at stake, there is a lot riding on choice between Ken Paxton and Joe Straus. One will assist Rick Perry and his fight against the feds. The other will undermine him.Go here. Get on the phone. Call your State Representative. Tell him to vote for Ken Paxton or get ready to be primaried in the next election.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. Dear House Republicans: This Will Be Unacceptable
I am receiving extremely credible information that Friday morning House Republicans may put Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.Let me be clear here: this would be an affront to conservatives of all stripes.It is bad enough the House GOP chose to ignore conservatives when it came time to choose chairmen of the Energy & Commerce Committee and of the Appropriations Committee.It is a slap in the face to add Leonard Lance to the Energy & Commerce Committee.Rep. Lance supports cap and trade.As troubling, Rep. Lance is pro-abortion.For those of you who are libertarian and could care less about Rep. Lance’s abortion position, consider this . . .Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. Let’s Take Barack Obama’s Advice on the Debt Limit
Back in 2006, as the vote on the debt limit came up, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Harry Reid all voted against it.Here is what I am calling on all Republicans to do.They should go to the floor of their respective house in the congress and, before pledging to vote against the debt limit just like Barack Obama did when he was there, they should quote Barack Obama. Every single one of them.“Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. “The Deficit” Is The Wrong Yardstick
Wednesday’s swearing in of the new House and Senate, including the transition of power to Speaker Boehner and the new Republican majority in the House, inaugurates a new political season, in which “the deficit” promises to be front and center. President Obama is already sending up trial balloons about various proposals made by the Bowles-Simpson deficit commission. But Republicans should resist efforts to frame the debate as being about “the deficit,” because that term itself focuses on the wrong measurement.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Repeal of the Job-Killing Health Care Act will NOT Increase the Deficit
According to the MSM, repeal of Obamacare would have detrimental effects on the economy.Sounds scary. But is it true? Only if you accept the original fantasy numbers that are really nothing but smoke and mirrors.Senator Tom Coburn offered this analysis . . .Please click here for the rest of the post.
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