Lisa Murkowski Profits in Office

When the obituary is finally written on Lisa Murkowski’s political career, one of the key points will be her land deal.Many people, even in Alaska, have not heard about it, but it gives us a glimpse into everything wrong with Lisa Murkowski and why voters rejected her.USA Today has a helpful rundown on the story, which is old, but which has some new interesting facts.Basically, Murkowski paid $179,400 for 1.27 acres of undeveloped land valued at $350,000.00. The guy she bought the land from would be her neighbor. Murkowski was then — and this is seemingly the new information — able to get an earmark of several million dollars from Washington to pave 3 miles of road.Guess where the paved road was? If you answered “to her property” you would be right.Well, people find out about the land sale and make a big stink about it so Murkowski does not return the land to her neighbor. She sells it back to him.And yes, she turned a profit of $40,000.00.But wait. There’s more.


Murkowski failed to properly note the purchase in her financial disclosure report for 2006. Boehm said Murkowski also said in the same report that she had a 15-year mortgage when financing records indicate a 39-year loan with First Bank, which offers a maximum seven-year maturity date for loans on undeveloped land. Murkowski once sat on the bank’s board.


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