Teaching the Pig to Dance

If you haven’t heard, Fred Thompson has out a new book. I had wanted to get up a post on Tuesday for his launch day, but I got bogged down and then engrossed in the book, so I figured I’d go through it before writing a post so I could say at least that I’ve read it.Well . . .It’s Fred Thompson. The book doesn’t read like some sugar coated politician’s “I’m gonna run for President so buy my book” garbage. It reads like Fred Thompson, which means it is funny, connects, and takes no prisoners.The guy really has an every man sense of humor. I get piles of politicians’ books all the time. You can tell from Fred’s new book that he’s not really a politician any more so much as a man of the people who has been there, done that, and is now settled in to being a voice of those he used to represent in Washington.It’s worth buying even if you’re only buying it because it’s Fred Thompson and this is FredState.



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