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When Lala was sixteen, her mother dragged she and her brother to a rally for then-candidate Donald Trump in their hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the time, she had been “totally against him.” Lala said he had given a good speech and seemed like a good man, but she still wasn’t convinced.
Leaving the rally was difficult because a group of anti-Trumpers had staged a riot (which made the national news). She watched as a young man in his early 20s punched an old man who was a Trump supporter and a veteran. They also pushed Mexican flags in their faces, threw rocks at horses, damaged police cars, and started fires. That caught her attention.
She describes the treatment she received from other students at school and even the teachers. But, none of that swayed her. She stayed strong and now she wants to make America, America again.
Read the whole thing.
"I am a 19 year old female from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I went to the Trump rally back in 2016 with my mom, brother, and a couple of friends. We were being yelled at from anti-trump protesters. I was NOT for Trump. I was totally against him & went to cause HELL, but my mom (1/x)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
looks like HELL. They made our city look like sh*t. As we were walking out, a young man (early 20’s) got out & punched a old trump supporter that was a veteran. My mom had got in it with him to not do that. People were throwing things at us, screaming in our faces, putting (3/x)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
After trump won office I started being more vocal, and people knew I was a Trump supporter. (I cannot vote but I sure as hell had a opinion) When I posted about Trump I had people delete me, block me, say fucked up things to me. In school I was called a bigot, harassed by a (5/x)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
couldn’t do a presentation because the teacher didn’t like him (before his candidacy) & my brother was not passion who he was writing about so we re-wrote & I stood by him as a he presented it. I’m already losing friends, family, and more because of my patriotic opinions. (7/x)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
sang the national anthem together you felt it in your heart. I walked away because I listened, I learned, I developed my own opinion. I am looked over because my opinion is not like other teenagers. I have registered to vote in 2020 (R) for Trump. I was very liberal minded, (9/x)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
#Walkaway" – Lala 🇺🇲 (11/11)
— Social Justice Distancing Mexican O'Crazio CornPop (@jetrotter) January 19, 2020
Maybe one day, Democrats will wake up and learn that their heavy-handed tactics turn people away. People won’t listen to you when you’re throwing rocks at them.
Brandon Straka is the founder of #WalkAway. A lifelong Democrat, he left the Party in 2017 and is currently a major Trump supporter.
During an interview with CBN News, he was asked what had made the difference for him. He explained, “I was just absolutely shocked and I think horrified and trying to understand how could anyone vote for this terrible person? (meaning Trump) I was going on social media constantly asking this question and that’s when finally somebody reached out to me – January of 2017 – with a social media clip that very clearly demonstrated how CNN and some of these liberal media outlets had been so dishonest and isolated these moments out of context and created a narrative surrounding Donald Trump and his supporters which was completely untrue.”
“After a year of reflection and research,” Straka says he left the Democratic party and in 2018 started the #WalkAway grassroots movement. “So I created something called the #WalkAway campaign, encouraging people to tell their own stories and create their own testimonials about why they, too, are walking away and what they’re walking away from and it just exploded. At this point, we have hundreds of thousands of people who have joined this movement and tens of thousands of video and written testimonials from people who just feel that the Democratic Party has become too extreme, has become too hateful, too divisive, and they don’t want it anymore.”
Straka said that he and his team have big plans for 2020. “We do the black Americans town hall, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, LGBT Americans. We’re talking to groups that are typically voting Democrat in large blocks and saying, listen, you have a choice.”
He told CBN that their “goal is not to make all of these people Republicans, but to encourage them to step back and consider why they vote the way they do.”
That’s a great question I bet many people find difficult to answer.
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