CNN’s Joshua Geltzer is very concerned that President Trump may not leave the Oval Office peacefully if he loses the 2020 election.
Yes, he’s serious.
Geltzer worries because he believes Trump often oversteps his authority. Seltzer writes, “Just last week, Trump displayed his willingness to invoke unprecedented presidential power to declare a national emergency utterly without justification,
He cites a “startling report” from the New York Times last week that said Trump has tried to undermine the Mueller Investigation over the last two years to “make the president’s many legal problems go away.”
In light of these overreaching assertions of his own authority, it’s at least plausible that Trump might attempt to cling to power in ways previously unimaginable by an American president.
Thankfully, there are four steps that key actors across the American system of governance can take to get ahead of this possibility.
Another reason for his concern is that, prior to the midterms, Trump tweeted that he was “very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election” and “pushing very hard for the Democrats.”
Geltzer writes, “Without pointing to even a shred of analysis from the intelligence community, media reports or any other sources, Trump seemed to dangle the notion that, if the elections went too badly for the Republicans, he might allege foreign interference with the vote tally to cast doubt on the validity of the results.”
“All told,” he tells us, “there’s good reason to worry.”
Then, he provides us with four steps we can take now to hopefully prevent the problem and/or address it if it does indeed come to pass. He points to four “sets of actors” who can help us out. Here is the abbreviated version of Geltzers’ solutions:
For the sake of the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, both parties should require anyone seeking to be one of the college’s electors to pledge that they will not withhold, delay or alter their vote based on the claims or protestations of any candidate, including President Trump.
Since we already know many who will be serving in Congress that day, these senators and representatives should make a joint pledge not to delay or alter counting of the votes based on any candidate’s objections.
39 of America’s 50 state governors will not be up for reelection in 2020. Those 39 should band together now to make clear that they will serve, at least informally, as bastions of our democracy should a peaceful transfer of power look threatened by any candidate’s response to the election.
Fourth, our civilian and uniformed Defense Department leaders have a role to play…(If Trump loses), the military would no longer owe its loyalty to Donald Trump as of noon on January 20, 2021. And it’s worth asking the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as they testify before Congress in coming months, to affirm that they understand that and would act consistently with it.
First, I can’t believe CNN actually pays him to write this rubbish.
And second, I think the fact that he would even write such a stupid article shows that the Democrats are running out of material to pin on Trump. Geltzer’s premise is lame. The evidence, Trump’s tweet and the New York Times article that “startled” Geltzer, is lame. And his solutions are lame. Therefore, his whole article is lame.
I find no value whatsoever in his entire piece. Enough said.
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