Mark Duplass, Man Of Character Plus Whoopi Goldberg After The Cameras Stopped Rolling

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

Have we now reached a place in America where a liberal cannot utter a compliment to a conservative without igniting a firestorm? Apparently actor Mark Duplass never read that memo and sent out the following tweet (now deleted):


Fellow liberals: If you are interested at all in ‘crossing the aisle’ you should consider following @BenShapiro. I don’t agree with him on much but he’s a genuine person who once helped me for no other reason than to be nice. He doesn’t bend the truth. His intentions are good.

The backlash was immediate and intense. Duplass showed his tremendous character by deleting the tweet and issuing a new tweet (below) apologizing to his followers for his lapse in judgement. He explained that his “goal has always been to spread unity, understanding and kindness, but that he’s going to make mistakes.” He said that sometimes he moves too quickly when he gets excited or when he fails to do enough research, but he wants everyone to know how sorry he is. He knows he needs to be more diligent and careful. (Or he’ll never work again in Hollywood.) And he thanked everyone “who reached out with constructive criticism. He’s just learned so much.” (He learned that a single tweet can destroy a career in an afternoon. Just ask Roseanne Barr.)


Shapiro appeared on Martha MacCallum’s show last night to discuss it.

This episode is just the latest example of the growing divide between conservatives and liberals. It is remarkable that members of the party which once embraced tolerance and inclusion, have become unwilling, even unable, to hear opposing points of view. Instead of abating, the inability of the left to accept Trump’s victory twenty months ago has escalated to such a point, that they search for issues to condemn.

The View’s Whoopi Goldberg became so incensed listening to Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro that she had to abruptly end the segment, “Say goodbye, goodbye. I’m done.”

It’s quite a show. Even their token conservative, Meghan McCain, seems to have shifted a bit to the left since joining the program. Every time a liberal talking point is uttered, the audience erupts in wild applause. For those who are interested, here is the clip. At about 2:55 in the video, Pirro describes what took place on her way out of the studio. She had to pass Goldberg who continued her tirade, finally ending with, “F*** you. F*** you. Get the f*** out of here.” Nice.


I suppose we can point to the silver lining as we watch the Democrats slide into madness. The focus has temporarily shifted away from Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court and Republicans can now dine out in Washington without being accosted by liberal activists.




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