President Trump has done it again. Shortly before 2:00PM EST today, the President officiated at a ceremony whereby two Arab Nations forswore their previous enmity towards the State of Israel and formally established diplomatic relations. This is the first Arab-Israeli peace accord in 26 years.
Of some significance, this occurred 2 days prior to the 42nd anniversary of signing of the Camp David Accords in which President Jimmy Carter brokered such an agreement between Israel and Egypt, the first Arab nation to officially recognize Israel.
This is huge! The holy grail of Middle East peace could actually become a reality under President Trump. A longtime Fox News contributor, retired General Jack Keane called today’s ceremony a geopolitical paradigm shift. Keane went on to explain President Trump’s success. He spoke of two major elements.
First of all, while Obama tried to appease/buy off Iran, resulting in even more egregious Iranian military terrorist acts, Trump took the opposite tack. He reassured our Arab allies that we would take aggressive action to put the Iranian Mullahs back on their heels. I wrote about one very specific and public example of this earlier, when the President ordered the elimination “with extreme prejudice” of Iran’s top general while he was in Iraq celebrating his latest terrorist act and planning the next. I was personally gratified to see this bastard assume ambient temperature as he was personally responsible for funding and equipping the bomb makers/placers who were Killing my truck drivers.
Read: Opinion: Trump Has Changed How Iranians Do Risk Assessment
I also wrote a little tongue in cheek piece regarding the same event.
Read: Soleimani Gets His Reward
Credibly putting Iran on notice was just one half of the equation. The geopolitical paradigm shift General Keane was talking about, began with President Trump complying with the The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. That legislation mandated the move of the United States Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, by May 31, 1999. Every President since Clinton, has failed to actually execute the law, citing national security issues.
President Trump made a promise during his campaign to do just that. He did so against the advice of his national security team. Retired Marine General Mattis, then Secretary of Defense, told the President that he didn’t have enough Marines to secure U.S. Embassies worldwide if POTUS moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Mattis also stated that moving the embassy was likely to cause World War III. More on that in tomorrow’s OpEd.
Moving the U.S. Embassy did indeed cause a geopolitical paradigm shift. It did so by essentially removing the “Palestinians” from negotiations on Middle East peace. President Trump had tried conciliation with them, which was spurned. So he went on ahead and dealt solely with Israel. This put not only the “Palestinians,” but also the entire Arab world on notice that the United States was not going to allow a failed probationary state to exercise veto power over U.S. policy.
General Keane and your humble scribe are not the only ones floored by this breakthrough. Even the Paper of Record, the New York Times agrees. Here’s the lede and first paragraph:
The Israel-United Arab Emirates deal will be felt throughout the region.
For once, I am going to agree with President Trump in his use of his favorite adjective: “huge.”
The agreement brokered by the Trump administration for the United Arab Emirates to establish full normalization of relations with Israel, in return for the Jewish state forgoing, for now, any annexation of the West Bank, was exactly what Trump said it was in his tweet: a “HUGE breakthrough.”
The piece even goes on to say nice things about Jared Kushner.
Read: A Geopolitical Earthquake Just Hit the Mideast
As an old fat dude who came in the Army during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union and remembers the nightly news broadcast about the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict; As a Soldier who has done a couple BRIGHT STAR exercises in Egypt (required by the Camp David Accords) I can’t say this enough…This is HUGE!! I never dreamed that peace, normalized relations between the Arab World and Israel could occur before the end times foretold in the Book of Revelation.
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