Dark Horse Could Emerge From Tonight's New Hampshire Primary

Eight days after the Iowa Caucus, the New Hampshire Primary could be another ‘Cluster-Rama for the Democratic Party.

Not because of any potential delay in receiving final results, but because of the order of finish of the candidates.


Self-declared Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders leads in CNN’s final New Hampshire tracking poll.

‘In the final numbers, 29% of likely primary voters say they back Sanders, 22% back former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, 11% support former Vice President Joe Biden, 10% support Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 7% back Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. The rest of the field falls at 5% or less.’

Neither Bernie Sanders or Pete Buttigieg can defeat President Trump this fall. Sanders is a 78-year-old, billionaire-hating communist and Mayor Pete is too young, inexperienced and gay.

Why do I call Senator Sanders a communist? Sanders is on record honeymooning in the former Soviet Union and has praised Marxist dictators like Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega.

Sanders’ continuing rise and realistic path to securing the Democratic presidential nomination is terrifying the Democratic Establishment and their media accomplices. This USA Today hit job on Bernie is just one example:

‘One could go on and talk about Sanders’ 10-day honeymoon in the Soviet Union in 1988. In a statement upon his return, he explained that “there are some things that (the Soviet Union does) better than we do and which were, in fact, quite impressive. Subway systems in Moscow costs 5 kopecs — or 7 cents. Faster, cleaner, more attractive and more efficient than any in the U.S. — and cheap.”

Never mind that the extraordinary Moscow subway system was constructed by Josef Stalin to demonstrate the superiority of the Soviet system. Never mind the draconian methods used to build it. Never mind that during his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, Russians were living through the death pangs of the bankrupt communist system.’


That article was not an anomaly. A January 29th USA Today hit piece titled ‘Democrats court doom by backing Bernie Sanders. His ideas are toxic outside blue America,’ also predicted electoral disaster for the Democrats.

‘In 2018, Sanders waded into the Michigan governor’s race and backed Abdul El-Sayed, a young, far-left candidate. El-Sayed lost every county in the state to the more mainstream Gretchen Whitmer. She went on to soundly beat the Republican by promising not a “revolution” but rather to “fix the damn roads.’

In order for the Democrats to win back the White House, they have to win back heartland states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

When blue-collar union voters in these states learn that Bernie’s “Medicare For All” plan takes away their generous union health care benefits, I comfortably predict support among them, if any, will collapse.

So-called moderate Joe Biden is fading and fading fast. Former Republican, Independent, and now-Democrat Michael Bloomberg has drastically cut into the former Vice President’s national African American support with his massive ad spending.

Biden’s African American support has dropped from 49% to 27%. Wow. That is bad news but not necessarily good news for Bloomberg.

Although Bloomberg is gaining African American support, I personally can’t see millennial, Black Lives Matter African Americans supporting a white “stop and frisk” former mayor.


I now believe Senator Amy Klobuchar is the dark horse candidate in this race to watch. She constantly touts her Midwest roots and the fact that she is a self-described moderate.

Polls have Klobuchar surging to third place in New Hampshire after last Friday’s debate performance. She and Joe Biden were the only two candidates to raise their hand in objection to having a socialist at the top of the Democratic ticket.

A female Midwestern Senator – who calls herself a moderate and who voted for the removal of President Trump – may be the Democrats’ only slim hope of uniting themselves this fall.


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