In another blow to the so-called fact-checking propaganda wing of the Democrat Party, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), said yesterday that the Obama regime must give Congress the chance to block President Obama’s scheme that lets states change, some say “gut,” the Clinton-era welfare to work rules Obama long opposed:
“In July, the Obama administration offered states more latitude in how they can run cash-assistance programs that replaced the welfare system after the 1996 overhaul passed by Congress and signed in to law by President Bill Clinton. … ‘It must be submitted to Congress and the comptroller general before taking effect,’ wrote Lynn H. Gibson, GAO’s general counsel, in a letter to the lawmakers on Tuesday.”
The GAO finding comes just in time for impeached former President Clinton gives the keynote speech tonight at the Charlotte “we all belong to the government” Democrat National Convention.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the GAO’s rebuke of the Obama scheme resulted from a request by Republicans, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, in which they asked the GAO to determine whether the administration’s changes were the equivalent of a rule change that would require congressional approval. Hatch praised the GAO findings Tuesday, saying that they were further proof that the administration could not change the program without Congress’s consent:
“This analysis is unequivocal that any changes must be submitted to Congress,” he said. “Circumventing Congress, as this White House has done, is a flagrant abuse of our system of checks and balances and an insult to American taxpayers.”
You will surely recall how quickly the Democrats’ now disgraced fact-checking propaganda wing jumped to Obama’s defense when Romney said the Obama rule change would gut the work to welfare reform rules. Now we know that Romney was right to go after the Obama power grab dressed up as an ordinary “information memorandum.”
You can watch Romney’s “Right Choice” ad taking Obama to task for trying to quietly gut the welfare to work welfare reform rules here.
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