The Las Vegas Raiders ended their season with a 31-13 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs on Saturday, leaving them with a 6-11 record. While there is plenty of criticism to share over their gameplay – from allowing six sacks to unsuccessfully going for it on 4th and goal instead of just taking the much-needed easy points – the most embarrassing moments were not what the team did or did not do.
Here’s a list of the top 5 most embarrassing Raiders moments that have nothing to do with how they played:
1. Arrowhead West
Following reports that out-of-town rival fans taking over Allegiant stadium is a continued source of embarrassment to Raiders’ owner Mark Davis, Kansas City fans doubled down on their own allegiance by packing the stadium with a sea of red. The Chiefs Kingdom left no doubts about their presence, at what can be called “Arrowhead West”, as their traditional “home of the Chiefs” ending to the National Anthem was clearly and dominantly heard.
Nice and loud, "Home of the Chiefs" at the end of the National Anthem at Allegiant Stadium.
— Charles Goldman (@goldmctNFL) January 7, 2023
Well Well Well… Here we are again… Home of the Who? Pt2.#ChiefsKingdom
— Steve Walls (@SteveWallsKC) January 7, 2023
The earlier reports, originally published by OutKick, of Davis’ embarrassment, specifically cited the Chiefs’ fans:
“Mark is embarrassed,” a former Raiders executive said. “He was pissed last year when the Chiefs and Bears brought so many fans to town. Now it’s happening every week. He wants it to stop.
The jokes seem to write themselves, as the Chiefs find themselves in an unusual situation regarding home-field advantage following the cancellation of the Buffalo at Cincinnati game due to Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin’s medical emergency on Monday night. This led to the NFL implementing rules that complicate the Chief’s path to a home game, even with the best-winning record in the league. Luckily, Las Vegas has offered up Allegiant Stadium as a “neutral site” in the event one is required. Chiefs fans are quick to point out that a game in Vegas is their second home at this point.
I hope the league makes Vegas the neutral site. It's home away from home. Mark Davis already approved of it.
— ChiefN_620 (@ChiefN_620) January 8, 2023
Well, actually Raiders fans said the same thing.
If The AFC Championship is awarded to allegiant stadium, and The Chiefs happen to play in it, is it considered home field advantage? #Raiders #Chiefs
— Mark Davis Mexican Son ☠️ (@Imaraider4) January 7, 2023
The Twitterverse agrees, Allegiant Stadium is Arrowhead West.
But that wouldn't be a neutral sight, it's the Chiefs second homefield
— patrick jochens (@VegaDraco) January 6, 2023
Vegas can't be considered neutral for the AFC title game. It's all Chief fans there today
— Josh Kopelman (@LatvianMissile) January 7, 2023
2. Allegiant Stadium Removes Their Own Fans
As if the strong showing by Chiefs fans wasn’t enough, some Raiders fans were removed from their home stadium for having signs that expressed unapproved opinions.
Very sorry RAIDERNATION. These signs were all over Allegiant Stadium at the @Chiefs game. Some fans were kicked out for this. @Raiders finished 6-11. They are 77-113 under Mark Davis’ ownership, 3 GM’s, 6 HC’s & 0 playoff wins. @KPIXtv
— vernkpix (@vernKPIX) January 8, 2023
Here is video footage of Raiders fans being removed from their seats for displaying criticism, while other game attendees including Chiefs fans showed support for the individual being ejected.
@Raiders Fire Josh McDaniels! Mark Davis; wake up!! #RaiderNation
— Thomas Rascòn (@CoachRascon25) January 8, 2023
Sports commentator Scott Gulbransen noted that the code of conduct is so vague at Allegiant, that the basis of the removal can be arbitrary. The excerpt he posted reads,
“The following actions are violations of the Guest Code of Conduct: Fighting, taunting, instigating, or encouraging any action that may harm, endanger, threaten, or bring discomfort to anyone.”
Yeah, I guess “benching McDaniels” would “bring him discomfort.”
Not saying I agree w/ #Raiders fans being kicked out of a game for a mere sign, I don't. It was harmless & don't like that they enforced it. But…code of conduct for @allegiantstadium allows for it because it's vague. I also was at an MLB game last year where the same happened
— Scott Gulbransen (@LVGully) January 8, 2023
Mark Davis, I feel like you may read this. Your Old Man would have never kicked out fans who paid $500 to see the Raiders play, just because he was passionate about the way our team plays and had a sign in his hand. Shame on you, sir.
— Eugene Lewis (@OverseerLewis) January 8, 2023
3. Chiefs Coach Andy Reid Doing Whatever He Wants
During the fourth quarter, the Chiefs started a play with a “Ring Around the Rosie” huddle. The play would have been successful for the touchdown, but it was called back due to a foul. The Chiefs would secure the touchdown for this drive, anyway.
Many sports fans would interpret this play as Coach Reid having fun at Raiders Coach McDaniels’ expense. In his post-season interview, McDaniels would be asked by the press if he saw this play as Reid being “disrespectful”, to which McDaniels said he did not see it that way.
I think Andy Reid is just bored at this point…
— Blain Crain (@Blain_Crain) January 7, 2023
In a post-game interview, Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes clarified that they call the play, “snowglobe”.
"We call it 'snow globe' because we drew it up right before Christmas and we actually practiced it as like kind of messing around and Coach Reid was like, 'I like that.'"
🗣️ Patrick
— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) January 8, 2023
Andy Reid trying whatever he wants against Josh McDaniels 😂
— Polo Kerber (@PoloKerber) January 7, 2023
Andy Reid looked like he was holding back a chuckle even after the penalty takes away the touchdown. The razzle-dazzle huddle, pitch, throw, Toney.
Good grief this team.
— Matt Derrick (@mattderrick) January 7, 2023
The play was fun and directed attention to Coach Reid, who was celebrating his tenth anniversary of the day he was hired as the Chiefs’ Head Coach, on January 7, 2013. I’ll leave out Reid’s stats on how he’s done as Coach, but trust me when I say there is reason to celebrate
On this day in #Chiefs history: Andy Reid was hired as head coach on January 7, 2013.
— Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) January 7, 2015
The Chief’s Snowglobe/ Ring Around the Rosie play will not be soon forgotten in Raider Nation.
This Ring Around The Rosie Game will either be the beginning of the end for this #Raiders regime or the embarrassment needed for them to take this franchise out of the dumpster.
A lot of backups out there, but McDaniels/Ziegler underestimated this team’s issues coming into 2022.
— Moe Moton (@MoeMoton) January 8, 2023
4. Raiders Quarterback Andrew Carr’s Jerseys on Clearance
Game attendees posted photos showing deep discounts on Carr jerseys after he had been benched, reportedly stopped showing up in the building citing he didn’t wish to be a “distraction”, and speculation about his future with the team is commonly discussed among fans.
#Raiders Derek Carr jersey’s have hit the clearance rack 😬
— 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙎𝙁𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙨 (@TheSFNiners) January 1, 2023
Sightings from Allegiant Stadium #ChiefsKingdom
— Leigh Ann Cleaver (@lacleaver) January 8, 2023
5. Coach McDaniels Gives a Painful Post-Season Interview and Fans Have Thoughts
Here are the top comments on this Youtube video:

I think Josh McDaniels should look at what embarrassment means in the dictionary and look at the Chiefs running a jerk off Circle in their huddle in a middle of the Raiders stadium so next time he answers it'll be yes I was embarrassed by Andy Reid
— Brian Boone (@raiderboone43) January 8, 2023
As you can see, there were many embarrassing aspects of the Raiders’ close of a losing season, aside from the way they played on the field. Better luck next year, Raider Nation.
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