An intra-party revolution was inevitable for the Democrats. You don't sink to the historic lows they have without a massive amount of voters within the party calling for change. When things go wrong, making changes is what you do.
It's certainly what Republicans did. We had the "Tea Party," which was a revolt that would forever set the Republican Party on a path that would eventually lead to it being what it is today, a far more effective, offensively-minded "action this day" party.
Now, it's the Democrats' turn... only they don't seem to understand that the party takeover is supposed to make things better, not worse.
As reported by Politico, the Democrat Party is staring down the barrel of a near 50 percent disapproval rating, putting them in the perfect position for radical change:
Just 40 percent of Democrats approve of the job performance of congressional Democrats, compared to 49 percent who disapprove. That’s a dramatic change from this time last year, when 75 percent of Democrats approved compared to just 21 percent who disapproved. The Democratic base’s disillusionment runs so deep that it’s eerily reminiscent of Republican grassroots sentiment in the period leading up to Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party.
The numbers are clear: No longer satisfied with the status quo in their party, Democrats are on the verge of a Tea Party-style, intra-party revolt.
Only, the ones looking to conduct this Democrat "Tea Party" are the radicals, the very people who put the Democrat Party in a losing position in 2024 to begin with.
The party itself has never been more left, with former President Biden caving to nearly every radical position the left wanted. It led the country down a path we're going to have to work to recover from, and even resulted in some of the largest leaps in big government control in modern history.
It led to open borders, a destroyed economy, high crime, and uncertainty in almost every aspect of society. People who were Democrats were voting for Trump in order to turn the ship around.
Yet, the left seems to have Trump on the brain. Their anger centers around the idea that the left isn't fighting against Trump hard enough, and that's why it's so unpopular. Their solution is to elect more radicals who will carry out radical agendas, and then people will start loving them again. Democrat leaders are already feeling this heat, as Politico pointed out:
A handful of liberal groups have already called for Chuck Schumer to step down as party leader after voting last week for a GOP stopgap funding bill. Democratic House members have also felt the sting of grassroots rage in recent days at town halls marked by testy exchanges with deeply frustrated liberal constituents.
The Trump-derangement syndrome of the left is literally going to force itself into a hole it won't be able to crawl out of for some time if it does this. If the radical left takes it all, you can bet the Democrat Party will become a third-tier party, like the Libertarian Party is.
READ MORE: If the Democrats Ever Want to Win Again, They're Going to Have to Stop Being the Left
The right's revolution within the Republican Party succeeded because it was actually a revolt against the slide into that radicalism that was claiming the country under Obama. Its ideals were largely appealing, including smaller government, lower taxes, and a resistance to the division brought about by social justice-based politics.
The left's tea party is going to fail because it wants to buckle down on all the things that Americans have learned to despise, be it bigger government, DEI, or America-last mentalities.
Moreover, the right's tea party was grassroots. The left's tea party is being funded, and it takes some digging to find out who's shelling out the cash. That lack of natural backing from voters is also going to hurt it.
But hey, far be it from me to stop the left from its suicide mission. If it wants to destroy its own party and eat itself alive, then by all means.