
The 'LGBT Church' Issue Seems to Be Getting Worse

AP Photo/Desmond Boylan

If you can't beat 'em', join 'em'. 

The LGBT community has been in a long war with Christianity, and in the socio-political way it exists in the U.S., it seems to only hold a hatred for Christianity above all other religions, including Islam, which actively promotes the murder of LGBT individuals. 

But despite years of attempting to destroy Christianity and plague Christians, the activists in that community seem to have hit a wall. They can't seem to overcome Christians, even if they do win legally. It only motivates Christians to fight harder and buckle down on their faith. So if you can't destroy them from without, the next logical move is to try to destroy them from within. 

And that's the new trend. The rise of the LGBT churches. 

I've touched on this before, and called for Christians to begin paying attention to this rising problem. These "churches" teach a skewed and perverted form of the gospel and morph God's word into something that suits their lifestyle in an attempt to infiltrate and corrupt the church: 

This is the LGBT activist community infiltrating, corrupting, and destroying the Christian community from within. They're putting forth the idea that America, the body of Christ, and the children within it are guilty of some original sin that oppresses groups and that these oppressive systems must be destroyed. 

The "oppressive system" they're speaking of is the word of God. That's what they're trying to corrupt the Christian Church into turning its back on, Christ and His teachings. 

And I want to reiterate something. While you are your church might be safe, others are not. These concepts and opinions are weaseling their way into every corner that they can, and that includes the children within the Church. Last year, I reported on this very thing and gave a great example as you see a pastor attempting to normalize the concept of drag queens to children during a service.

(READ: Christians Need to Start Raising Hell on 'Churches')

The sad fact is that this isn't a wholly unsuccessful venture, despite the fact that we may think they're stepping into a highly protected realm. The goal of the LGBT community is never outright assault, it's subversion. It's working themselves in slowly, usually through the youth, and once they've influenced them, they can begin the work of dismantling any institution from within. 

According to Pew, openly gay and lesbian members in leadership roles increased from 18 percent to 26 percent... and that was from 2006 to 2012. By 2015, acceptance of homosexuality has grown in major denominations, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church, United Methodist Church, Episcopal Church, and Presbyterian Church. 

The United Church of Christ brags it's the "world’s fastest-growing LGBTQ+ affirming church movement," with over 1,700 participating churches.

You can even see these "groups" popping up on social media feeds. Here's one that I was served by Instagram one night out of the blue. Notice that most of the people here are teens and young adults, and they're all listening to a man in a dress talking about how the more he heals, the more he realizes he's "f***ed up." 

When I see things like this, I can only conclude that there are two kinds of people in that room. 

Firstly, there are those who were raised to believe that they should love everyone, but that they can't square their Christian faith with its supposed hatred of LGBT people. To be clear, we are commanded to love, but we are also commanded not to sin, or allow sin to corrupt the church. Homosexuality is a sin. Period, however, due to the machinations of activists, this nuance is lost on young believers, or potential converts. In lieu of actually receiving the word as it is, they attend sermons like the one you see above, or ones in corrupted churches, and receive messaging that is more propagandistic than it is salvational. 

These are the sheep led astray, and God has some very harsh warnings for those who would lead his children away from him while posing as his shepherds. 

Which brings me to the other people in the room, the ones willfully subverting the will of God and attempting to mislead people for their own gain. 

Some of these people may don robes and look official, but in the end, they hate God. Their purpose isn't to teach His word, or lead people to salvation, but to get them to join in on a political movement that will eliminate Christianity through corruption. The Bible is clear about their beliefs, and so they want to subtract from God's word while claiming His authority. 

It's also funny that they do all of this in the name of "inclusion," but really it's about exclusion of the very foundation of what they're supposedly basing their teachings on. 

Christians should start speaking out about this churches in large degree. While we don't want hate of LGBT people to infect the church, we don't want the influence it might bring. It's important to understand that gay and lesbian people are welcome to attend, but in hopes that they turn from their sin, not embrace it. 

No one dreams of opening a church where drug use is considered permissible, or even advocated by God. Vice is discouraged by God and quite a bit of it is considered sinful, yet of all the vices, sexual degeneracy seems to be the only sin people want to put on God's okay list. 


Because it's the easiest thing to rope people in with. It's easy to paint something as inclusive and loving because it involves intimacy and closeness, which we all crave. However, this is a perversion of what God intended, and we can see in the many verses in the Bible what he intends intimacy to look like. Anyone who says differently is trying to lie to themselves, or worse, fool others. As Christians, we can't let that happen silently. 


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