
Republicans Voting for Kamala Harris Need to Stop Calling Themselves Republicans

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Republicans often have chunks that walk away from the party's chosen candidate every election. It's never truly a wise move, as it only ever empowers Democrats, but when you have a party of individualists, you're going to get more internal discord. 

The odd part now is that many of these Republicans walking away from the party are only doing so for one reason, and one reason only, and that's because they don't like Donald Trump, and not even for a lot of policy reasons. They truly believe he's some kind of evil person with horrendous values that shouldn't be associated with the Republican Party. 

Since the Republican Party embraced Trump, these people believe they're doing conservatism and their own consciousness a favor by not only refusing to vote for Trump, but actively denounce him publicly for all to see. In fact, they do this, often using the same words and points the left uses against Trump. You can see this quite often with a group like "The Lincoln Project," who recite leftist talking points about Trump verbatim. 

What's more, they go on to tell everyone that they're going to vote for Kamala Harris out of some loyalty and duty to "principle." 

My thought here is that if you don't like Trump enough not to vote for him, then fine. You're an individual with the right to vote for or against whoever you want for any reason whatsoever. That's fine. Even voting for Harris because she fits your idea of a candidate you like better is fine, too. 

But stop calling yourself a Republican. 

And I'm not just saying to stop calling yourself a Republican just to vote against Trump. It's because I agree that, in an overarching way, the party has left you in the same way the Democrat Party has left many Democrats. 

I'm not going to sit here and say that the Republican Party hasn't been altered in many ways since Trump arrived on the scene. It definitely has, but I would argue this new Republican Party lacks rigidity in some areas and makes up for it with aggressiveness in others. 

This is a party that values going on the offensive now, instead of just being reactionary. It gets ahead of problems instead of just waiting to fix the ones that happen. It destroys narratives before they can get off the ground and, best of all, it doesn't cower before the accusations thrust upon it from the left. In fact, it turns around and attacks instead of staying on the defensive. 

This is a much stronger, aggressive, and capable party, and we can attribute that to Trump's influence. 

This is the man that just worked a shift at McDonald's in order to troll Harris and shame her over her lie that she was once a McDonald's employee.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend Trump is pure as the driven snow. He's not. He has leanings I disagree with vehemently. For instance, he and I don't share the same view on abortion, whereas I see it as murder, he clearly doesn't. The great thing about Trump is that what he believes about abortion doesn't matter, because his entire position it to leave the decision on abortion to the states. 

I'm no there to elect a man I like personally, I'm here to elect someone who I know will get the job done better than anyone else and that's clearly Trump. At this point, I think it's very clear that this isn't Harris, a woman whose entire ideology is rooted in Marxism.

As I've said in the past, there is no conservative case for Harris, and the people who try to pretend like there is one are out of their minds: 

Besides, abandoning your principles to endorse those who completely reject them will not save your principles. You cannot protect your chastity by having promiscuous sex or fix your car's radiator by totaling the car. 

Kamala Harris is the antithesis to a strong America, the embrace of traditional values, and the health of the conservative movement. Will French and his like be sitting in their living rooms watching the world fall apart, censorship run rampant, taxes rise, inflation surge out of control, riots in the streets, drug-addicted homeless, sex trafficked people, rapes, murders, assaults, and children subjected to the left's radical whims, and then say to themselves " least I saved conservatism"?

(READ: There Is No Conservative Case for Kamala)

Even Lindsey Graham made a similar case recently, as my friend and colleague Ward Clark reported: 

“To every Republican supporting her — what the hell are you doing? You’re supporting the most radical nominee in the history of American politics,” Graham said Sunday in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker. 

“The Green New Deal, Medicare for All — she was the last person in the room before Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan. She was the border czar. She cast a tiebreaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act that gives you high prices,” Graham said.

“You’re trying to convince me that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is the danger to this country? The danger to this country is the policies of [President Joe Biden] and Harris. Her fingerprints are all over this disaster, and I can’t take four more years of this crap,” said Graham.

(READ: Lindsey Graham Demolishes Harris-Supporting Republicans: 'What the H*** Are You Doing?')

You can't side with someone like Harris and claim you have any Republican principles. It doesn't logically make any sense. You're either with the radicalized left or you're not, and if you are, then stop pretending you're a principled Republican. You're a leftist, and a radical one at that. 

Even quite a few Democrats are voting Trump because of how radical the party has gotten. 


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