Lindsey Graham Demolishes Harris-Supporting Republicans: 'What the H*** Are You Doing?'

Tom Williams/Pool Image via AP

I remember watching what we were calling Lindsey Graham 2.0 at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. The man was on fire - he brutally condemned the blatant smear tactics, not to mention the outright lies, that the Democrats were using to try to torpedo Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination. And he was right; the tactics the left used in that affair were dishonest, mean-spirited, and they didn't give a tinker's damn who knew it. It was a sight to behold.


On Sunday's "Meet the Press" on NBC, Lindsey Graham 2.0 was back, this time calling out Republicans who are supporting Kamala Harris for President.

Senator Graham said:

“To every Republican supporting her — what the hell are you doing? You’re supporting the most radical nominee in the history of American politics,” Graham said Sunday in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker. 

“The Green New Deal, Medicare for All — she was the last person in the room before Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan. She was the border czar. She cast a tiebreaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act that gives you high prices,” Graham said.

“You’re trying to convince me that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is the danger to this country? The danger to this country is the policies of [President Joe Biden] and Harris. Her fingerprints are all over this disaster, and I can’t take four more years of this crap,” said Graham.

It's a fair question. Why would anyone claiming to be a Republican support a Democrat candidate who is arguably to the left of the daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont, Bernie Sanders? Why would anyone claiming to be a Republican support a woman who can barely string together two coherent sentences without wandering into a minefield of non-sequiturs? Why would anyone claiming to be a Republican support a candidate who inexplicably chose as her running mate the man who let Minneapolis burn?


Graham is, in this instance, right to ask: "What the hell are you doing?"

See Related: Freak-Out: Kamala Voters in MI Panicking, Threaten to Leave the US If Trump Wins

Good Grief: Kamala Harris Thinks She Can Defeat Donald Trump by Courting This Specific Group of Voters

NBC's concern, of course, is Trump's "rhetoric," as though Democrat's constant harping about Trump being a "threat to democracy" should just pass without notice.

Trump’s rhetoric has amped up in recent weeks after he began to tout earlier this month that, if elected, he would use the military to go after “the enemy from within.”

The reference was first made against Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), though Trump has since expanded the use to say he would go after “radical-left lunatics.”

Graham appeared unphased by Trump’s comments and maintained that the Republicans were “winning, and going to win, not because of what Donald Trump’s saying, but because of what they’ve done for four years.”

Though at times during the Trump administration, Graham and Trump butt heads, the South Carolina senator has been an ardent supporter of Trump.

Graham is very likely right about the odds of a Republican victory in November, as that is looking more and more likely. But there's more work to do here. If any of the supposed pro-Harris Republicans are still holding office, the GOP voters in their jurisdictions need to start looking at primary candidates. There are some things in any organization, including a political party, that are beyond the pale. A betrayal like supporting Kamala Harris over, honestly, anyone is one of those things. These people should be Liz Cheney'ed out of office, and as high as passions are running right now, that should not be too hard to do. 


I've never liked the term RINO. It is too often used to mean "any Republican who disagrees with me on any given issue." I've had the label slapped on me, due to some of my minarchist positions. But honestly, any Republican who would support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump has Schiff for brains and deserves to be primaried out.

A new broom sweeps clean - and it's time to get the dust out of the corners.

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