
Trump's Fun Suggestion to Bring Crime Down Would Probably Work, but There's One Big Issue

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

After the death of George Floyd, Democrats all over the country got it into their heads that they should start "reimagining" how police worked across the country. Many cities began defunding their police, including New York City, under the idea that they could bring down crime by punishing criminals less. 

Of course, that didn't work. Once the police found themselves handcuffed both financially and policy-wise, crime began shooting up all over the country, specifically in blue cities. You can't get on X without seeing a video or two of this out-of-control crime happening in broad daylight. 

The problem is so bad that the people have sometimes taken to vigilante street justice as a way to curb crime, and it's a problem that's only growing. 

(Watch: When the Government Fails to Uphold Justice, the People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands)

This brought the once and likely future President Donald Trump to suggest that “one rough hour" of policing would be enough to send the message that the era of criminal hubris has come to an end. 

“One rough hour — and I mean real rough — the word will get out, and it will end immediately, end immediately. You know, it will end immediately,” he said.

This naturally caused the left to lose it, accusing Trump of horrible things and comparing Trump's desired treatment of criminals to how the Nazis treated Jewish people during Kristallnacht, just in case you needed more reason to not take them seriously. 

(READ: Trump's Suggestion On How to Curb Crime Has Leftists Fuming)

But you might be thinking, as you logically would, that in order for something like what Trump suggested happening that it would require Democrats to either get on board or be voted out. There's more likelihood of you finding a real-life Pegasus in your backyard. Which brings me to the thing that really has to happen first. 

While Trump's suggestion of a fanciful day of roughness from police would absolutely do a lot to curb the crime in America, the pushback from it would be insane. The media would be feasting on it for weeks, and you'd see marches in the street featuring people calling Trump a dictator. 

It boils down to the people of these areas who fall into destructive categories. Either they like the soft-on-crime approach because they themselves are criminals, or they like it because they can virtue signal against Trump about how horrible he is for being so hard on people who are, according to the left, only in this position because society put them there. 

If there were to be a turnaround, the need to virtue signal would be wholly outweighed by their desire for safety and a functioning society. This would mean that they would have to be affected in some way directly, because they don't have the foresight to understand how bad governance to hurt them personally, or they don't have the bravery to speak out in favor of tougher policing in front of their leftist friends. 

In other words, these people would have to experience a lot worse before they ask for better. 

In all honesty, we could have the crime problem in many cities resolved, or severely reduced, very quickly. The Democrats holding it all back are only in there because these people put them there. If they weren't there, we could literally start fixing it today. Cities could begin to fund their police departments, and the police could operate with the full backing of city officials. They could train up a police force, and by this time next year, America's crime could see a significant drop. 

And we wouldn't even need that singular hour of rough policing... it would just be policing. 

The singular hour is fun to think about, but let's face facts, it would be highly dangerous and not just for the criminals, but for the officers. It would also require a ton of resources and untold billions in court cases and lawsuits. We don't actually need it. We just need regular, by the book policing with good funding and a lack of fear of city officials. 

But that's not going to happen because there are too many leftists who indulge in virtue signaling. Rest assured, the time when they over-indulge is coming, and minds begin to change, but that's not going to happen for some time. It will get worse, but sadly, that's the only way it's going to get better. 


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