
If You Really Want to Combat Misinformation, Encourage More Speech, Not Less

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." — George R.R. Martin

Say what you will about Martin, this has to be one of the most powerful free speech quotes written in modern times. It carries with it an undeniable truth in that speech shouldn't scare you if you know you have the truth on your side. The only time you would silence someone else is when you fear the truth that they're ready to express. 

I'm getting a lot of that from the left in recent years. They're terrified of you, the people, speaking freely because they know that what they're saying largely isn't true, and you can see it for yourself. They're banking on the idea that if they can find a way to somehow shut you down, that the truth will somehow die in the dark. 

It won't. We don't live in the era of file cabinets and analogue record keeping. This is the age of the internet. You're in the jungle, baby. 

As was reported by my colleague Bonchie, former presidential election loser Hillary Clinton suggested that what's needed is for the purveyors of "misinformation" to be jailed or prosecuted in order to set an example for everyone else that spreading falsehoods is a bad idea and comes with consequences. 

(READ: Hillary Clinton Goes Wild With Disturbing Comments on Trump and Free Speech, JD Vance Responds)

If she got her way, she'd immediately find herself behind bars based on a multitude of stories she told everyone that ended up not being true, but Clinton doesn't see it that way. Like every other leftist, Clinton defines "truth" as what benefits the Democrat Party agenda. If the Democrats said the sky was green, then the person pointing at the clear blue sky and proclaiming its true hue would be arrested and charged for "misinformation" if Clinton got her way. 

But if there really was a desire to eliminate misinformation to the best of our ability, then the solution to it isn't censorship because, as you can see, if any one group or person is given the power to decide what is and isn't the truth, then the truth will become entirely subjective. This is why the idea of "fact-checkers" from news agencies is completely and totally useless, because the facts will always have to adhere to a certain ideological standpoint. 

The best way to filter out misinformation is to gather the people and let them hash out the truth themselves. This is the natural way of truth finding in most cases, as attempts to hide the truth are usually failures due to what's called the "Streisand Effect." 

The "Streisand Effect" is a social phenomenon where a group that attempts to hide the truth will ultimately fail because people will naturally want to know what it is that's being hidden from them and why. This will ultimately lead to people uncovering the truth and spreading it. The phenomenon gets its name from Barbra Streisand's attempt to hide photos of her coastal home in California (that no one cared about) and waging legal battles to get the photos taken down, only causing more people to look at the photos that upset her so badly by the millions. 

You saw the Streisand Effect happen a myriad of times during the pandemic, when the government was attempting to hide information about the virus, its effects, the vaccine, its negative effects, etc. Despite all the king's horses and all the king's men doing their best to suppress the truth, including banning or censoring various articles and videos released by the people, it only made people want to look at them more. 

In effect, the truth got out and misinformation was exposed... it just wasn't the Democrat Party's definition of "truth." 

Despite the Democrat Party having what we now know is a complicit social media landscape willing to censor people, the info still got out, and the people were the better for it. Policy decisions were made based on the truth that got out that set a lot of people free, particularly in red states. 

But this is the truth that people like Clinton want to suppress, and if you're actively trying to suppress the truth, then you're trying to spread a lie. There's no way around that fact.


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