Hillary Clinton Goes Wild With Disturbing Comments on Trump and Free Speech, JD Vance Responds

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Three things are certain in life. Death, taxes, and Hillary Clinton cashing in on the grift until she takes her last breath. In an election year, that means a new book and media tour to grease the twice-failed presidential candidate's palms. It also means she's going to say things to try to get attention and receive ravenous applause from the chattering class.


ALSO SEE: DNC Night One, Hillary Clinton Reminds Democrats of What Could Have Been

Appearing on MSNBC on Monday, Clinton didn't disappoint. When asked about so-called misinformation, a favorite left-wing bogeyman, the former Secretary of State suggested Americans should be jailed for exercising their right to free speech.

CLINTON: (Speaking of the Russians) boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly, or even in some cases, criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrent...

I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Democrats have been going in this direction for the better part of a decade. With the explosion of Donald Trump on the political scene came an obsession with "misinformation" and "disinformation." Who gets to decide what that is? If you're asking a Democrat, the answer is them, and it doesn't matter if their track record of curating truthful information is awful (see the COVID pandemic, among many examples). 

Even still, calling for Americans to be criminally charged for saying things Hillary Clinton doesn't like is a new level of authoritarianism being espoused. These people believe they have a right to quash free speech to "save democracy," and that's a very dangerous viewpoint to hold. There are no limits to the amount of tyranny that can be cooked up by someone who wraps that tyranny in faux righteousness. There was a time in American history when Clinton would have been shunned for her comments.


With that out in the open, it was no surprise when she then shifted to once again claiming Donald Trump is an existential threat to not only the United States but the world. 

CLINTON: I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late, great journalist Harry Evans, you know, one time said that, you know, "Journalists should try to achieve objectivity, and by that," he said, "I mean, they should cover the object." 

Well, the object, in this case, is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world, and stick with it!

Keep in mind that Clinton is saying all that just a day after the second assassination attempt on Trump. She might as well be winking and nodding at the lunatics in her base to try again. After all, if Trump truly is a "danger to our country and the world," then that opens the door for all kinds of violence under the guise of "protecting democracy." A real news network would have pushed back and asked what lengths Clinton is suggesting people go to. Instead, she's allowed to spew her bile uninterrupted. 

JD Vance offered a rebuttal to Clinton's rantings, saying she's calling for both censorship and violence. 


That's a fair response, especially given the press spent all weekend lambasting Vance as supposedly inciting "bomb threats" in Springfield, OH. That turned out to be a hoax, but if rhetoric matters, then it should matter regarding everyone. That includes political lightweights like Clinton who can't accept that they lost an election to Donald Trump. 

In the end, that's what this is really about. Clinton will go down in history as the person who lost to the bogeyman. Her hubris and lust for power helped send Trump to the White House, and she's never going to live that down.


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