
Democrat's 'White Savior Complex' Can't Be Understated

Townhall Media

When a Yale researcher found that white leftists tend to talk more simply to black people while conservatives talked to them like regularly adults, I wasn't surprised. The researchers called this manner of speaking to black people a "competence downshift." Leftists would refrain from using words that made them sound smart, purposefully dumbing their speech down because they think it would help them connect to black people more. 

You can read the study yourself. It's one of the more eye-opening studies that show that when it comes to white leftists, they're the actual racists in the room. They see themselves as smarter, more capable, and as such, responsible for helping the black community along. 

When Kamala Harris was announced to be the DNC's Democrat of choice after Biden dropped out, the white leftists suddenly kicked themselves into gear. Harris isn't white, she's half black, and that triggered the part of the brain that told white leftists they needed to help because the half-black woman (who was Indian up to this point) can't do it on her own. 

Thus, you had the "White X for Kamala Harris" meetings, one of the most racist things I have ever seen in the modern world. 

It started with the "White Women for Kamala Harris." An all-white female Zoom call where women unironically got together to tell other white women they have to vote for Harris because that's what black people want. TikTok influencer Arielle Fodor gave a highly embarrassing "how to" for white women that sounded like a mandatory HR meeting given by a woman who hides her obviously cruel and ugly personality with kind tones and infantilization. Fodor gave the women rules about interacting with "BIPOC" (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) individuals, including a bit of self-flagellation about white privilege. According to her, white women are not allowed to speak over black people or tell them they're wrong for any reason. 

Hilariously, I didn't notice any black people on the call during this moment, which is weird seeing as how we're told that "BIPOC women have tapped (white women) in" to help. Were these black women not invited to the meeting they ordered to happen? It sure seemed like a lot of white women talking amongst themselves about what black people want? Did no one see the hypocrisy here? 

I don't think they stopped to think about it. They saw themselves as white saviors. A cavalry riding in on mighty steeds to help carry the black woman to victory. Most importantly, they wanted to be seen doing this. 

This wasn't to help black women. This was a virtue signal to help themselves. 

I have to wonder what all these white women's reactions would be to a black person who got onto the call and announced that he or she wasn't voting for Harris and gave some very good reasons as to why. I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of shutting down and speaking for black people at that moment. 

Also, who are they to define what a woman is? I thought that was against the rules. 

Not to be outdone, leftists males got together for a "White Dudes for Harris" moment, which ended up becoming a group therapy session including confessions of "weeping" when Donald Trump was elected president. 

What no one in the male and female portions of these groups seemed to realize is that it was white leftists making it all about themselves. It was all about their white leftist feelings about the election being served up to other white leftists in the hopes that other white leftists will see them as the good ones. No black person actually had a say in these white leftist meetings being held for the benefit of black people. 

The bottom line is that this was never going to convince anyone outside leftist circles to vote for Harris, it was definitely meant for the upper-middle class white people in American to donate money, which they succeeded in doing because nothing says "I'm one of the good whites" quite like tossing money around in the name of racial virtue signaling. 

But no matter how you slice it, this was white people acting like they're helping. They're going to save this campaign and defeat the evil white old man running against the younger black (previously Indian) woman. It's not about capability or merit. Harris is one of the most unaccomplished and corrupt people in politics and that's been open information for some time. 

It all boils down to racial virtue signaling. 


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