
American Discourse Has So Deteriorated That People Actively Cheer for Your Death

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

"No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA." 

This is a common chant from radical leftists. You can hear it right now in Milwaukee as protesters march on the RNC as I write this, hilariously carrying Palestinian flags as they do. I never credited the radical left with an abundance of intelligence, but I don't have to convince you of that. 

The radical left is an issue, to be sure, but they aren't the most pressing issue. For all intents and purposes, they should be a fringe group, but I'm increasingly seeing that radicalism has infected much of the population to the point where normal people harbor radical leftist ideals within them. These ideals have infected enough people that these leftists feel like saying the most awful things is perfectly permissible. 

As Matt Funicello wrote on Monday, the popular leftist streamer Steven Bonnell, more popularly known as Destiny, went out of his way to mock Corey Comperatore, a retired firefighter and father who died shielding his family from the bullets meant for Trump. In Bonnell's mind, Comperatore got what he deserved for supporting an "insurrectionist," and added that if you're a conservative who got blown away at a Trump rally, he's making fun of you the next day.  

(READ: Far-Left Streamer 'Destiny' Mocks Retired Firefighter Killed During Attempted Assassination of Trump)

As Funicello wrote, "Bonnell's take is by far one of the more disgusting and tasteless takes on the events of the past Saturday," but the issue is that this take from Bonnell isn't an uncommon one. Logging on to X, you can see a myriad of like-minded people stating that yes, indeed, conservatives deserve to die alongside Trump. 

That death should visit their enemies is even being echoed openly in leftist circles. I reported not long ago after the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity that that left started openly suggested that Biden utilize the military to kill off everyone from Trump and his supporter to the Supreme Court. 

(READ: Democrats Rip the Mask off, Call for Violence After Thinking the SCOTUS Decisions Gave Them 'King Biden')

Just recently, the band "Tenacious D," which stars actor and comedian Jack Black, openly wished on stage that the shooter hadn't missed Trump. 

Believe me, I can understand wanting some figures in today's world to die because they're evil, horrific people. I'm not going to sit here and say that violence isn't a viable option in some regards. The issue is that the modern leftist attack machine has people so convinced that Donald Trump, his supporters, Republicans, conservatives, white male Christians, etc. are so evil that when something actually does happen it's either worth celebrating or not a big deal. 

After the Nashville shooting, for instance, I watched as Americans celebrated the death of white Christian children. I watched as the media placed the blame on the people of Tennessee for not having more leftist values. 

The corporate media, the Democrat Party, and their activist groups have really done a number on the minds of Americans, and on the Western population in general. It has them at a point where they truly see their fellow Americans worthy of gruesome ends because they back a certain candidate or disagree with a certain issue or agenda item of the left's. 

It was only a few years ago where actress Gina Carano warned about this very thing. In a post she would go on to be fired from Disney for, she warned that back during Nazi Germany, the SS rounded up Jewish people so easily because their own neighbors would turn them in after having been convinced by years wroth of propaganda that they were, in fact, evil and the root of all the nation's problems. 

We're not that far from there. The proof is in just how willing Americans are to cheer on and advocate for the death of people who disagree with them. 

The media needs to be held accountable. The left needs to be held accountable. 

None of this acceptable, and so long as this continues, we can expect more assassination attempts, and not just on Republican leaders. That next bullet could have your name written on it. 


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