
Predatory Bureaucracy

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

One moment that everyone should see from the House Oversight Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing on Monday was the moment when Georgia Rep. Rich McCormick (R) played audio from an interview for the audiobook "Fauci" recorded in October 2020. 

During this little moment, Dr. Anthony Fauci is heard advocating using pressure and fear to force people into dropping their "ideological bulls**t" and get vaccinated. 

“Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, ‘You want to come to this college buddy, you’re going to get vaccinated, lady, you’re going to get vaccinated,’” Fauci said. “Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook, and all those others, are going to say, ‘You want to work for us, get vaccinated,’ and it’s proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bulls**t, and they get vaccinated.”

Fauci tried to claim “that’s not what [he] was referring to,” though it's unclear what exactly he was referring to then. 

How this can be interpreted in any other way is beyond me. I have a feeling it's beyond Fauci, too. 

I call what you see here "Predatory Bureaucracy," or the practice of bureaucrats and government bodies to exert control over citizens by preying on their fears, needs, and safety. You saw this quite a bit during the pandemic when the government, along with their corporate media attack dogs, would scare, guilt, shame, and pressure people into taking the vaccine they didn't want or need. 

If they couldn't get you to do it voluntarily, then they would put pressure on the business you worked for with laws and regulations. Ultimately, you would drop your "ideological bulls**t" and get on board, whether you liked it or not. 

You can see this tactic used in many other areas where the government has taken an interest. 

Environmentalism is actually where you see it the most. You're told you're destroying the planet, and the solution is always the same no matter what the specific problem is: Hand over power to the government. Corporations are forced to regulate in the name of environmental protection, even when the solution isn't necessary, especially the oil, gas, and automotive industries. This includes recent electric vehicle mandates from the Biden administration on automotive companies, which would cost taxpayers almost $1 trillion

They even go so far as to try to guilt, shame, or intimidate you into supporting the LGBT cause in various ways, including threatening your job if you so much as voice anything close to displeasure at having to conform to activist demands. Hell, they have an entire month dedicated to the worship of the LGBT cause. 

(READ: It's Only Pride Month for Corporations)

You can probably think of a few more yourself that you've had the displeasure of being subjected to. 

Underneath it all are conversations just like the ones Fauci was having during the interview. The agenda must be completed, and they will push you into compliance by any means necessary, including using any leverage they can against you to do it. 

While some of these are elected officials that can be voted out, most of them aren't. They're unelected bureaucrats who don't have to answer to you, just whoever is handing them the most money. They're more than happy to force you into compliance because they aren't going to suffer any repercussions. Even if they are caught, it's not a guarantee that anything will happen to them, especially if the people coming down on them are Republicans. 

But these people are predators, and they need to not just have lights shone on them, but repercussions must be dealt as well. 

This is why I can't stress it enough that you start electing Republicans with an offensive mentality. This would turn the predator into the prey and remind every unelected bureaucrat that there's always a bigger fish...and you're it. 


WATCH: Anthony Fauci Testifies Before House Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic

UNDER THE BUS: Fauci Says His Advisor's Attempt to Evade COVID FOIAs Was Wrong, Violates Policy

Fauci Hearing: The Accountability That Will Never Come


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