
It's Only Pride Month for Corporations

AP Photo/George Walker IV

June 1 has become something of a meme. It's the day when corporations all put on their best rainbow-themed attire and dance for ESG money by pretending they remotely care about the LGBT community. They'll release videos featuring LGBT community members, put out posts on social media, and generally obey whatever order the LGBT activist community gives them.

Every corporation gets into the spirit, including Activision-Blizzard, which decided to put trans flag-themed bullets into the guns, tact be damned. 

(READ: Covenant Shooter Who?: Activision Puts 'Trans Flag' Bullets In In 'Call of Duty' Celebrate Pride Month)

Corporations can't wait to tell you how much LGBT pride they have...except in countries that might take offense to it. They don't seem to be very prideful there. 

But while these corporations and the corporate media — as well as quite a few politicians — want you to believe that this is a time of year when the Western World comes together to celebrate being queer, it could be further from the truth. 

As I reported last year, even large chunks of the LGBT community don't celebrate Pride Month: 

According to a 2022 YouGov poll, only 12 percent of Americans had planned to participate in Pride Month celebrations while 75 percent said they weren’t. Even when it came to the LGBT community, 51 percent said they were going to celebrate it while 37 percent said they weren’t. Interesting numbers, especially from the LGBT community.

Why wouldn’t more people who fall within the LGBT community want to participate in a celebration of themselves?

It’s likely because “Pride Month” isn’t really a celebration of the LGBT community when you really strip away all the pomp and circumstance. When you really break it down, members of the LGBT community aren’t necessarily a hive mind. Many gays, lesbians, and even transgender people aren’t voting for the same person and shouting the same slogans. That’s a lie the LGBT activist community wants you to believe in order to make themselves look more powerful.

If we look even closer at the LGBT community, you'll notice it's not all rainbows and unicorns. This is not a unified body. For instance, the lesbian community often finds itself at odds with the transgender community due to the fact that lesbians have been attacked in the past by activists for not recognizing men who identify as women as female and sleeping with them. 

The division within the LGBT community over this issue hasn't lessened either. In one video, one lesbian notes that she's sorry she ever fought for gay rights because it opened the door for what the activist community is doing to everyone today. 

(READ: The Division Within the LGBT Community Continues to Grow)

Moreover, Pride was never about how "love is love," which is the phrase that was shoved in our faces ad nauseum for years. 

Looking at Pride parades you see a hard mixture of lust and spite. You might see sexual displays of kink or nudity right out in the open being performed in front of children. 

By the way, displays of overt sexuality in front of children aren't a bug, they're a feature and one that the corporate media will defend.

(READ: It's Not About Tolerance Anymore: LGBT Activists Say They Want Your Kid to See "Kink" at Pride Parades)

Pride Month isn't really about the LGBT community at the end of the day, it's about securing a socio-political hold on the future and for LGBT activists to pat themselves on the back. It's also a way to generate negative feedback and backlash for their actions, which they can then use for self-victimization. 

Pride Month is celebrated by a minuscule amount of people in our nation, for everyone else who sees it for what it really is, it's June. 


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