'Call of Duty' Goes Completely Tasteless in Celebration of Pride Month

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File

Corporations during what they call "Pride Month" are so busy proving that they're accepting of the LGBT community that they don't stop and think about how they're doing it. Activision is one such company. 


The "Call of Duty" franchise is arguably the most popular first-person shooter (FPS) game of all time, and due to its mainstream popularity, it attempts to appeal to mainstream sentiments, or more accurately, to corporate sentiments. Activision-Blizzard, the company that owns the FPS game has made it very clear in the past that they're all-in on the leftist groupthink, so much so that they once punished one of its most famous players for saying that the LGBT activists should leave children alone, resulting in one of the biggest backlashes against the company to date. 

(READ: Gamers Big and Small are Standing up Against Activist Attempts to Indoctrinate Children)

This Pride Month, Activision-Blizzard decided it would preoccupy itself so much with celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism that it literally put trans-flag-themed bullets in the game that you can load into your trans-flag-themed gun!


This leads you to ask two questions. 

Did they not stop to think about why this would be an incredibly tasteless thing to do...or did they understand that it would be tasteless and they didn't care? 

This has people up in arms because just last year, the Covenant Catholic School shooter was a person who identified as a "transgender man." The biologically female shooter took the lives of six people, three of which were children. In fact, a rash of shootings has now occurred by people identifying as some form of transgenderism. 

While I'm not one to promote censorship, I am one to point out when a company probably should have kept its mouth shut. This is one of those moments. Did no one stop to think that maybe this would probably not be the best move or send the best message? 

Again, do they even care? 

I find it hard to believe that this was an oversight. In a corporate scenario, public-facing ideas must go through various stages of approval. This means that either no one in that chain of command thought about how this would come off as disrespectful or, they did think about it and said that showing loyalty to the LGBT activist community comes first. 


Either way...wow. 

While this is disgusting, it's not surprising. Corporate America has become a cesspool of ESG compliance which includes displays of loyalty to radical leftist positions. The LGBT activist community is one of those entities corporations prove their subservience to. 


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