
The Media's New Underhanded Way of Getting Back at Florida for Stopping Grooming Attempts In Schools

Scott Threlkeld/The Advocate via AP

If we've learned one thing by looking back throughout American history, it's that you can check the left but you can't necessarily checkmate them. If you stop them from going through, they'll go around. If you stop them from going around, they'll go over, under, or whatever is necessary to achieve their goal. 

For instance, you may recall that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis instituted a system by which Floridians can report books that are, without a doubt, not reading material for children. This has been a recent problem all over the nation with many books attempting to introduce concepts to kids like sex, sexuality, transgenderism, and homosexuality. These books are complete with detailed scenarios and pictures. 

(READ: Ron DeSantis Executes Troll for the Ages at Presser on 'Book Banning')

The left doesn't really have a way to fight back against that and the likelihood of their grooming books existing in these libraries is pretty slim. So, in order for the left to continue attempting to introduce your child to these fringe, hypersexualized, and destructive concepts, they have to get clever. 

The new strategy is to make it seem as if the conservatives in Florida are going into a book-banning frenzy. The strategy, as DeSantis revealed, is to over-report popular books to make it seem like they're being scrutinized for removal. The media can then claim that Florida is removing books that no Floridian truly wants to be removed. 

“This is fraudulent. But what it is, is it’s trying to obscure the reason why parents have been concerned with the things that people saw, which are clearly not appropriate,” DeSantis noted.And they’re basically trying to just confuse the issue to act like somehow that classic works are somehow not welcome. Nothing could be further from the truth. We want to ensure that students have very rigorous and robust education.”

“So now what we’ve seen is you have seen activists that will go and just challenge almost anything," he added. "That’s not appropriate to be happening. Hijacking this process is not something that we want to encourage in any way.” 

DeSantis said that this was all an attempt at creating a false narrative.

"And then the media will take that, run with it, and try to act like that there’s some debate on whether Florida law requires this or not, which there’s not," he said. "So this is all theater. This is all performativeand it really has no place in our school system.”

It's a dirty trick, but one that would only work with the help of corporate media. And the corporate media is more than willing to help spread the message. Whatever makes conservatives look bad is what the media will do even if it means sacrificing the mental and physical health of your children. 

Brainwashing the youth in the belief that transgenderism is the answer to all of life's problems is a top priority for the left because it's the fastest and easiest way to bring the youth into a highly motivated voting bloc

There is indoctrination at every turn but the normalization of radical concepts early would go far in creating a generation of automatic Democrats, raised from youth to be leftists who despise a Republican Party that they've been taught represents everything wrong with the world. 

And it all starts with a war for the schools, and whatever generates bad PR for Republicans is great for the Democrats, even if it takes years to bear fruit. 

When you stop to think about the fact that they're willing to sacrifice your children, you can truly see how evil some of these people are. 


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