
The Left's War on Women's Beauty Is Destined to Fail

Will Davidson/Lands' End via AP

As a man, I can tell you there's very little I like more than seeing a beautiful woman. Men can enjoy a woman's beauty for what it is without having to pick it apart by analyzing the style, makeup techniques, brand of clothing, hairstyle, or anything like women tend to do when they see a woman whom they think is beautiful. 

No, for us, we can sit back and just see a beautiful woman and be taken in by the scene. 

It's a scene that endless poets and lyricists have written about over the course of human history. It so affects us men that we're willing to do violence on others to protect it. World leaders have gone to war over it. We base our futures around our association with this beauty. 

And that's all before we get to the sexual aspect of it. 

God (or nature if that's where your belief lies) programmed us men to respond to this beauty as a key component for the propagation of the human race and the healthy upbringing of children. We men are inexorably drawn to it. We're willing to give up our time and resources to obtain and keep it. We bend over backward to make sure that beauty sticks around, and if necessary, we'll fight for and even die willingly in its defense. 

The power of female beauty is undeniable and a driving force of civilization. 

So it should come as no surprise that the same people who want to bring down civilization so they can implement their own perverted and ridiculous version of it are at war with beauty. There is no greater example on the planet than the current attempt to stamp out the idea of the natural order of beauty than the attempts to erase it by the radical left in the Western world. 

As I've covered before, people who adopt the mentality and ideology of the radical left often undertake bizarre measures to make themselves look as unattractive as possible such as dying and styling their hair in unattractive ways, becoming grotesquely fat, dressing in unflattering clothing, piercing their skin with so much metal that going through a metal detector becomes a nightmare. 

(READ: Why Does the Radical Left Hate Beauty?)

As I wrote then, part of the reason for this war on beauty is to disrupt the natural male/female dynamic and further drive a wedge between the (only two) sexes, further dragging modern women into the darkness of the false promises of feminism and villainizing men and their masculinity until it's gone, eliminating the radical left's real greatest threat. 

But ultimately, it's a rejection of nature and God, two things modern leftists abhor: 

The embrace of the ugly is sinister. There is an evil to it, and that evil has become more and more prevalent as God has been pushed further and further back in importance across the globe. Beauty and God are often tied to one another and it showed in almost everything from art to architecture. The destruction of beauty is another rejection of God.

The left has gone far in attempting to make women believe that beauty, and especially sexiness, is a modern-day sin. They encourage women to embrace styles and trends that subtract from their beauty to avoid encouraging the "male gaze," an evil and denigrating byproduct of masculinity.  

Sadly, it's bought hook, line, and sinker for many women and even men here in the West, and the standard of beauty is declining rapidly. Now, women looking elegant and beautiful are written off as either horrid or boring, and feminine beauty is really only celebrated by corporate and leftist media when it's adopted by a man. 

In truth, there's absolutely nothing wrong with female beauty. There's also nothing wrong with the "male gaze." Men are visual creatures and we're hardwired to want to see. Funny enough, women are hardwired to want to be seen. It's an exchange we've been doing since before we could even count.

(READ: Don't Let Them Convince You Women Being Sexy to Appeal to Men Is Bad)

But the good news is that nature isn't so easily defeated and, no matter how far modernity attempts to redefine nature, nature cannot be redefined. A generation or three of radical feminists attempting to convince the populace that the natural order of men and women is disgusting and oppressive isn't going to reverse the natural wiring in our brains. Just look at the haywire nature of those who actively try to reject it and understand how the rejection of nature just doesn't work. 

Because of this fact, the modern feminist war against beauty is doomed to fail. In fact, its losses are already piling up. 

As I write this, more and more men (and even women) are fighting back against the idea of the uglification of women to appease people who refuse to be pleased about anything. As I wrote on Thursday, the video game "Stellar Blade" is seeing a huge spike in popularity over the backlash to its beautiful and sexy female character by the left. In a spiteful, figurative middle finger, gamers are vowing to buy the game on day one of its release in April in order to not only stick it to the radical left woke scolds but also to support the idea that beautiful women in games are not only okay but desired. 

(READ: The Drama of 'Stellar Blade': The Game With a Sexy Female Protagonist That Has Leftists Furious)

In fact, there's an increasing protest against the Western game industry purposefully uglifying women in games in order to appease the radical left and its hatred of female beauty. 

Beauty filters on social media apps are some of the most frequently used. In fact, according to MIT, the most commonly used augmented reality tech is used to make women more beautiful. 

According to Marketplace, when the economy is at its worst, department stores report that beauty products remain a high earner:

During their latest corporate earnings calls, Kohl’s and Target executives said despite losing ground in areas like apparel and home goods, beauty remains a bright spot. And earlier this month, Ulta Beauty, a retail chain that carries makeup brands from Dior to L’OrΓ©al, announced that its 2022 revenue rose 18.3% to $10.2 billion, and net income ticked up to $1.2 billion from the year prior β€” a record for the 33-year-old company. (Many Target stores house Ulta Beauty shops, while Kohl’s partners with competitor Sephora).

Why? Because when the economy is in trouble and the chips are down, women resort to beauty as a pick-me-up according to market research. 

Beauty will always win in the end. Women want to embody it, men want to see it, and society benefits from it. 

The left's war on it doesn't stand a chance.


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