
Beware the Left's Most Devastating Weapon Against You

AP Photo/Ron Harris

Politics is a devious game where real friends are few and far between and allies are only allies so long as they're useful. It's a realm where the ignorant are useful and the knowledgeable contend for the hearts and minds of entire swaths of people. 

No matter what side of the aisle you reside on, you'll often see the knowledgeable fight to win over the populace through the use of narratives. 

In politics, narratives are everything. They're the device through which you can get the populace to see your side of things and act in a manner that benefits your agenda. The concept of the "narrative" in modern politics isn't good or evil. Like a knife, it's a tool that can be used to harm or benefit. Everyone believes and recites a narrative of some kind, but the wise believe more narratives that are true than false. 

At the end of the day, all a narrative is, is the way a story is told. 

The left puts a lot of time, effort, and money into establishing narratives. In fact, I'd say it's one of their main industries. They're very good at it, and they're capable of manipulating swaths of people into believing their side of the argument in ways that would surprise you. Even people who never visit a political site or watch news reports consume and believe leftist narratives all the time. The amount of leftist bias people consume through non-political content is pretty mind-blowing. 

(Study: It's Not CNN or MSNBC That Are Conditioning People to Believe Lies)

The good news is that thanks to the invention of the internet, the left's ability to establish narratives has received a critical blow. Where the left used to be able to cement a lie within a few news reports, now it has to contend with the truth getting out almost immediately, and sometimes in very embarrassing ways. A very solid example of this happened on Saturday when CNN's Abby Phillip was fact-checked by Matt Gaetz live on air causing her to abruptly end the segment. The moment began circulating around the internet, even landing on RedState's front page thanks to Bonchie. 

Phillip accused Gaetz of voting against the defense appropriations bill, hoping to make Gaetz look like a hypocritical obstructionist. However, Gaetz did what many people should learn from. He established his own narrative in that very moment by invoking the laughter of the internet while correcting her. Gaetz walked away from the interview with Phillip's very embarrassed scalp and her narrative now lying dead on the floor. 

I bring this up because I want to point out a few things. 

Firstly, the left is a huge fan of using obvious lies and half-truths to create narratives. No one should be surprised that a CNN host attempted to establish a story that was completely opposite of the truth. 

Secondly, narratives can grow into giants very quickly if allowed to, but despite some narratives being nigh unassailable, they aren't invincible. They're best killed in their infancy. 

If given the chance to grow it begins convincing people to think and do things that are detrimental to the country and oftentimes themselves. 

Let's take a narrative that you and I know is pretty ridiculous but nevertheless changed the course of the United States forever; the creation of the Affordable Care Act. What became more popularly known as "Obamacare" was sold to the people as a way to do what the bill implied it would, make healthcare more affordable to people who couldn't afford it. 

Not only did it convince a lot of people that they were finally going to be able to afford healthcare, it made Obama's career and defined his legacy. People all over America were convinced that this was a great idea. Polls revealed Democrats and Independents were all for it. Republicans were wildly against it, which was incredibly useful for Democrats because then they could paint Republicans as awful people who want the poor to die. 

Of course, Republicans resisted the ACA because it would drive up healthcare costs and reduce the quality of healthcare across the nation. They were right. Premiums shot up all over the nation and people who didn't sign on were forced to pay a "tax" for refusing to participate. Moreover, healthcare didn't become more "affordable." 

As Forbes covered, the ACA has had a net negative effect on the state of American healthcare: 

As long as government solutions arrive divorced from a consumer orientation, we will not see any change in the industry’s consumer indifferent approach. Today more Americans see and understand this intuitively. Recent Gallup polls tell the story; in 2022, only 17% of Americans said they were very satisfied with the quality of their healthcare, 29% were somewhat satisfied, and a majority (53%) were somewhat to very dissatisfied with the quality.

Further, 64% were very or somewhat dissatisfied with the availability of affordable healthcare.

As recently as March, respondents were asked how much they worry about availability and the affordability of healthcare; a whopping 49% report worrying a great deal and 29% a fair amount. A data point from November revealed that 77% were dissatisfied with the total cost of healthcare in the country.

Obamacare was pushed through because the Democrats sold it so well through narratives within narratives. It caused people to lend their support and created a myriad of activists, with the end results all being the people working toward something detrimental to themselves. 

And here we begin to see the Democrat's most devastating weapon against you...'s you. 

Narratives are a dime a dozen, but if they can get you to believe them, the Democrats can use you against yourself. All you have to do is believe them. 

Question everything that comes out of the mainstream media or the mouth of a Democrat. Believe nothing until it's verified. Rest assured, when an authoritarian tells you something is one way, the chances that it's another are incredibly high. 

Narratives are useful tools, but when you take a step back, they're more like a tool creation factory. 

Don't be a tool. 


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