
Behold the Media's Own Embrace of 'White Supremacy'

Are you somewhere to the right of Marx? Then you’re a dreaded “white supremacist.”

“But Brandon, I’m not white,” you say. “Therefore, the left can’t accuse me of being a white supremacist. That would just be ridiculous.”

Well, boy howdy, do I have news for you. Your non-white skin color no longer gives you a pass on being labeled as the left’s favorite boogieman. You can be white, Hispanic, black, Asian, Jewish, or a completely alien bug species from the Zendar system. If you resist the Democrat Party’s narratives or agendas in any way, you are a white supremacist.

Now, you may have seen this screenshot from the Atlantic going viral on Twi-I mean “X.” It’s proof that the media has absolutely lost it when it comes to the white supremacist narrative.

This is actually a fake. Someone did a very convincing Photoshop job that people readily believed. Do you know why people believed it so easily? Because the leftist media writes headlines like these all the time.

That’s right. NPR wants to fill you in on “multi-racial whiteness.” The LA Times reports that “white supremacy comes in all colors,” and The Atlantic informs its readers that “Latinos can be white supremacists.” Whoever it is that made the Atlantic headline hoax worked too hard. A simple Google search will bring up leftist “news” sites breathlessly labeling everything and everyone they don’t like as “white supremacists” if they don’t like their politics.

As Undoomed wrote in his twee-er…”X,” this makes the white supremacy movement a pretty inclusive and diverse one. At this rate, the left wishes it could claim to have this much enthusiasm from different races.

But the truth is pretty obvious. Are there white supremacists out there? Absolutely. I’ve met a few, and when I say “a few” I mean I can count the number I’ve met on one hand. Real racists aren’t shy about their racism. Take the radical left, for instance. They’re ready and willing to label white people as problematic for simply existing at every turn.

The minimal existence of white supremacy makes it a non-issue for all intents and purposes. A few weirdos online don’t amount to a societal plague. The left even has to fake appearances by “white supremacists” at conservative events and hold fake white supremacist demonstrations for the media in order to make the problem seem bigger than it actually is.

(READ: How to Spot a Fake Protest)

Moreover, our own DOJ can’t seem to garner enough real white supremacist crimes to truly call it an actual problem. As Bill O’Reilly once covered, the striking lack of white supremacist crimes as revealed by the DOJ, combined with the lack of everyday occurrences doesn’t really give confidence to the left’s narrative that we’re being overrun:

O’Reilly went on to cite DoJ data showing that in all of 2019, there were only five federal cases brought against 75 alleged white supremacists. In 2020, he continued, there were just five more cases brought against 14 suspected white supremacists.

Turning to state prosecutions, O’Reilly said the number of cases amounted to just five in 2019 and three in 2020, involving eight and nine persons respectively.

Taken together, state and federal prosecutions involving alleged white supremacists amounted to just 18 cases and 106 people, O’Reilly continued.

The vast majority of the country (and I do mean vast) believes and understands that racism and white supremacy are horrid things and the media uses that understanding to push the idea that something we all agree is pretty awful is a serious problem. It’s playing the odds with a lie in order to generate a narrative it can use to anger or scare people into siding with them.

The thing is, we can all agree white supremacy is bad and still understand that it’s not really a pressing issue. In fact, on a list of things truly giving this country a hard time, the scant number of people and events that involve real white supremacy puts it near the bottom of our concerns.

Lurking near the top are the things the left doesn’t want you paying much attention to. A flagging economy, an open border, an increase in homelessness and drug addiction, radical leftist infiltration of our school systems, sexual indoctrination of children, and consistent attempts at limiting your liberties.

These actually are very real problems facing the American people but not ones that the Democrat Party benefits from you thinking too much about. Instead, they want you focused on issues that the majority detests, but wants to pretend like a good solid chunk of the population embraces, namely anyone who votes for their opposition.

The Democrats want white supremacy to be a problem. They’re propping up the emaciated body of an old problem in hopes that it can convince you it’s a clear and present danger. At some point, you have to ask who truly embraces racism.


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