The political sacred cow. An old tactic that never stops being effective. Once one is created, the party that created it can rake in everything from votes, media attention, and most importantly of all, a Scrooge McDuck vault’s worth of money.
Thinking back, you can probably think of a myriad of social groups and causes that he left has embraced over the course of your life. These entities were presented as infallible and unquestionable due to the nature of their arrival in the public spotlight.
These are the “sacred cows.”
These include the likes of Cindy Sheehan during George W. Bush’s time in the White House. Sheehan was an anti-war protester who, one day, appeared outside Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, and refused to move until he came out and answered as to why her son had to die in the Iraq war. The media painted Sheehan as a grieving mother whom no one could question while Democrats and the media used her to embarrass Bush and his bloodthirsty Republican colleagues. It later turned out she was a paid goon for John Kerry’s political campaign.
Very recently, there was the Black Lives Matter movement. It was the most powerful political entity during the 2020 election, hell-bent on bringing the system that abused the black community for so long to justice. The deaths of black men like George Floyd and Michael Brown gave the movement the martyrs it needed to push a narrative that the United States was sick of the oppression of black people everywhere and the system that allowed it to happen. Speaking out against it in any way made you a racist. Of course, it was soon found to be a neo-Marxist movement whose leaders took the millions of dollars that the BLM institution raked in, purchased lavish homes for themselves in white neighborhoods, left burning neighborhoods, and destroyed lives in the rearview.
The thing is, it’s hard to spot a sacred cow coming. You usually don’t know they’re there until they’re right on top of you and the media can’t stop talking about it while Twitter denizens become rabid over it. That doesn’t mean the early signs aren’t there.
In fact, to begin with, it’s important to understand that the arrival of a sacred cow precedes an immense inconvenience to the Democrat Party.
This often happens before a presidential election and begins with a martyr. George Floyd, for instance, died in May 2020, kicking off months of the Black Lives Matter movement that would go on to affect that year’s presidential election. Freddie Gray died in April of 2016, which kicked off the BLM protest of that year.
It’s unclear if the Democrats will try to use the Black Lives Matter movement again, but the movement’s popularity suffered greatly by the end and there are a lot of unanswered questions about where the money it got went right now, so it might take a different route.
Right now, transgender activists claim that they’re suffering a genocide of unimaginable proportions. They aren’t, of course. In fact, they’re one of the least murdered groups in the United States. Facts don’t really need to play into the creation narrative of a sacred cow.
(READ: Transgender People Are Not Under Threat and Their Movement Is the Height of Narcissism)
While one can’t be certain, it could perhaps come from a situation involving a transgender victim and a “privileged” community. My guess would be a white Christian. This trans victim would die at the hands of this perpetrator, kicking off a movement similar to BLM. That might be difficult, given the fact that the trans movement is a lot smaller than it likes to let on, and its activist community has really soured things for the general public.
It could also be a school shooting that occurs that could kick off the creation of another “March for Our Lives” movement that creates more children props for the likes of Democrats and CNN to use. Aggrieved parents and fellow students you can’t criticize or question could come forward and declare that the Republican love of guns is too dangerous for America and they need to be voted out.
It could be the creation of one sacred cow, or many.
What we do know is that we’re approaching an election year, so we’re due for a martyr of some kind to appear in the near future.
Once this martyr appears, the media will breathlessly report about the victim’s virtues and the Republican policies that lead to him, her, or xer being victimized by the evils of a system that clearly hates them. “The system” is a phrase that will be tossed around a lot when speaking about this person and the group they belonged to, and that will be a major clue as to the cow they plan to make sacred.
This will be followed by a very large, well-funded, and highly publicized march. Once the march happens, it’s too late. The sacred cow has arrived. The media and Democrats will build on that sacred cow for months, collecting good press and a lot of cash. It will only stop once the election is over.
The question is, how do you stop the sacred cow from becoming sacred?
Easy. You slaughter it.
Naturally, I don’t mean people go out and violently attack others. In order to stop a movement from getting its head you have to expose it for what it is, a coordinated attempt to take an event and make it useful politically. Every “victim” can be questioned when they make a politically charged claim. Every righteous indignation and outrage from that side of the aisle has a hypocrisy or missing fact that brings their argument or story crumbling to the ground.
Rip and tear until it is done.
There have been plenty of movements that have died swift deaths once the right information got out and people began to turn away. Even the most vociferous politician will slowly back into the bush Homer Simpson style once supporting a cause becomes too dangerous.
You won’t catch them all, sadly. The creation of a sacred cow can come on swiftly. The Democrats never let a crisis go to waste and there is a very large, well-funded think tanks and activist groups who spend their days making movements out of local events. Since they still control the mainstream media, it can be tough to stop it, but it’s not impossible.