
Big Government Is Illogical

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

A while back, the British established some colonies in a vast, new country called America. While it enjoyed ruling the fledgling country from afar, it didn’t take long before the Americans began questioning why it needed to obey the laws of a governing body that lives so far away and doesn’t really understand it, and moreover, abuses its power over it. Soon, these colonies went into rebellion and after a conflict that cost many lives, the colony formed its own nation independent from the governing body in Britain.

It’s unclear how long it would have taken for this to happen if events had happened differently, but rest assured that the split was inevitable. If a self-functioning colony is somehow formed on Mars, you can bet that at some point the Martians would begin questioning the authority of the governing body some 34 million miles away, and a split would occur, making the Martians an independent entity. Even then as the planet became more populated, independent nations would form as the governing body.

The reason this happens is simple. If you get a large enough group of people together and then split them into two places with miles and miles of distance between them, they begin to develop their own culture, values, traditions, and methods. Everything from their worship of a god to the way they make pizza begins to look different from the other group. Over the course of time, these two cultures may be so wildly different you would hardly be able to guess they belong to the same background.

Just look at various places in America. Arguably, the two most powerful points on the map are Texas and New York, and the two cultures within these states are very, very different from one another. If it wasn’t for instant communication and the ability to access one another’s cultures at the press of a button these differences would be even greater.

Yet, despite having their own independent state governments, they are overseen by a federal government that unites them. This federal government is stopped from exerting its own control over both of these cultures through the Constitution. The founding fathers put this in place because they figured out in one revolution what it took the rest of the world a long time to understand…big government doesn’t work, and it doesn’t work because it can’t.

Looking at the federal government today, it’s clear that the founders were correct. Washington, D.C., is a city built on a little swampy corner of the United States, and yet despite the fact that it’s more or less isolated from the rest of the country, the people who walk its marbled halls seem to believe that they can dictate what’s best for the multitude of people across this goliath of a landmass by putting everyone in a one-size-fits-all box. They seem to think that what works in Texas must work in New York, and what works in Montana must work in Arizona.

They seem to believe that a blue-collar worker in Green Bay is no different than a white-collar worker in Las Vegas. The housewife in Bangor is interchangeable with the nurse in Galveston.

I’m sure you can see the issue as well as the insult. These people who will likely never meet you or even visit your town are telling you what’s good for you when they know nothing about your area’s culture, methods, and beliefs. It doesn’t make any sense for them to make the rules. There’s no logic to it. One size does not fit all.

This is why the founders placed limits on the federal government and told the states to have their own party that unite to form one country, not one government that rules over smaller territories. We are 50 countries that agreed to work together, not one country that agreed to be ruled by one governing body. If we were the latter we would have already fallen apart. Hell, we’ve come close to falling apart as it is.

Today’s federal government is a huge fan of coming up with more laws for us to follow all the time. Vaccine mandates, disinformation governance boards, patriot acts, abortion, taxes, and more are being pushed onto the American people as a whole all the time. The more they do it, the more damage it does to the country as a whole as the people who benefit in one group are outweighed by the people who the new law is detrimental.

Too often, the group that benefits is the people in D.C., not everyone else.

The larger the government, the smaller its scope needs to be in order to have a functional country. In America, for instance, the countries within the country need to govern themselves by the guidelines put forth by their own beliefs, traditions, and methods. Any good leader in the federal government would shudder at the thought of having to dictate such a large territory, knowing that the solution would only harm rather than hurt. Its best leaders are the ones who know that the best way to govern is to allow the people to govern themselves.

What I’m trying to say is that Roe v Wade is stupid.


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