
Men Enjoying Sexy Women Isn't the Crime the Woke Say It Is

Philippe Serieys

Earlier today I wrote about the monumental reversal of the G4TV brand going from unmitigatedly woke and feminist to hosting booba streamers on their shows and making unending euphemisms for sex.

(READ: A Desperate G4TV Reverses Course After Woke Feminist Rant Crashes the Channel, Now Features Women In Bikinis)

To be sure, the erotic streamer they had on, Amouranth, is the antithesis of what G4TV had applauded when host Frosk gave the infamous feminist rant that crashed the brand into the ground. The rant accused the audience (and gamers in general) of being sexist and of hating her for not being as “bangable” as previous G4 hosts Olivia Munn and Morgan Webb.

It’s a common complaint of the woke that men only view women as sexual objects to be ruled over and that in order to make the world a better place for women, the “patriarchy” (more often labeled the “white cis patriarchy” as of late) must be fought and collapsed.

This narrative about the patriarchy paints every interaction women have with men as sinister in some nature. Holding the door open for a woman is viewed as an act of dominance instead of the polite gesture it is. Speaking to a woman in order to attempt to start up a romantic relationship is viewed as predatory behavior or at least bothersome. Comments about a woman’s looks, even positive ones, are viewed as shallow and misogynistic.

If you couldn’t tell, it’s not a system set up to allow any winners among the male of the species. Men cannot do anything right unless that thing is absolute compliance and submissiveness to the body politic.

Amouranth’s appearance on G4 will likely be made into a political statement and for good reason. After Frosk’s rant, it sure does look like one. The thing is, it shouldn’t be on in the first place.

Like most social justice and woke culture arguments, there is a bit of truth to what they’re saying. Yes, men really do enjoy looking at women, and the more attractive they are the more they like looking at them. Yes, more attractive women tend to find more kindness and even compliance from men. Erotic streamers like Amouranth have their entire business models based on and around this principle.

I’ll let you decide how good or bad that is for yourselves, but I want to address the deeper issue here.

It is not wrong for men to like looking at sexy, beautiful, and attractive women. It’s not wrong because, whether the woke like biology or not, it’s programmed into us by nature itself. We literally cannot help but pursue beauty and attractive women, or at the very least, look at them. Getting mad at a man for liking sexy women is like getting mad at a golden retriever for wanting to chase a ball. It’s in our DNA and finding fault in that is just silly.

Men’s mileage may vary on what they find attractive, but all of us pursue it at the end of the day. No exceptions…unless you’re a eunuch.

The woke have a habit of fighting against nature and biological drives in both men and women, but it’s definitely time we stop listening to them when it comes to what is and isn’t moral to do. Their lack of grip on reality is astronomical and they’re one woke toke away from becoming angry with fish for swimming too much.

Men should be allowed to enjoy attractiveness and beauty without being shamed for it. Likewise, women should be allowed to display that beauty and attractiveness if they so feel, and I don’t just mean in terms of flicking on a camera and parading around in skimpy clothes. They should be able to enjoy their femininity and be okay that men are going to be the ones who enjoy it right along with them.

Of course, it’s good to understand what is and isn’t appropriate when it comes to enjoying that attractiveness, but the bottom line is that men and women have a give and take relationship with one another and attractiveness is an ingrained part of that interaction.


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