Joe Biden likes to pretend that he’s no stranger to civil rights movements and the black community but every claim he’s made seems to unravel upon even the lightest scrutiny.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, Biden claimed he “got raised in the black church” during a speech at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH coalition in 2019.
“We would go sit in Rev. Herring’s church, sit there before we’d go out, and try to change things when I was a kid in college and in high school,” said Biden.
The Free Beacon reported that the former VP is referencing Union Baptist Church, a prominent church within the black community in Wilmington, Deleware, run by Rev. Otis Herring who passed in 1996.
These claims begin to fall apart rather quickly when details are scrutinized. As reported by the Free Beacon, not only do timelines not measure up, but no one in the church who has attended since that time can recall him being there at all:
Now, interviews with long-time church members are raising questions about his story. Biden befriended Herring as an adult, they say, but they do not recall him attending the church as a teenager.
Phyllis Drummond, Herring’s longtime assistant who attended Union Baptist for 39 years, said she was not involved with the church in the early 1960s but does not think Biden attended at that time. “No. Not at our building. I think he was probably in Claymont, [Del.,] [or] in Pennsylvania then,” Drummond told the Washington Free Beacon.
Juanita Matthew, who joined Union Baptist in the 1970s and has run its affiliated day-care center for decades, said she wasn’t aware of Biden’s attendance as a teenager. Herring, she said, befriended Biden after the newly elected senator’s wife and daughter were killed in a car accident in 1972, and Biden became “a great friend of the church and the pastor.”
Biden has made other claims about participating in things that no one else can seem to remember him being at. Biden also claimed he was at the Route 40 sit-in to protest segregation yet no one can corroborate his story of being there. Biden also claims he was protesting for civil rights as early as his junior year of high school but has also stated he didn’t know any black people at all until he worked at a majority-black swimming pool in 1962.
Even fake black man and Black Lives Matter leader Sean King has written about these blatant lies.
“Four different people in Wilmington expressed to me that these claims of Biden are so outrageous and dishonest that it caused them to truly worry for his mental health,” wrote King.
The Intercept’s Robert Mackey also noted that the former VP’s claims never appear in his memoirs.
“Given that the memoir describes his time in high school and college in detail, it seems odd that Biden failed to make any mention at all of what he now describes as formative experiences: the picketing of the segregated Rialto movie theater and attending civil rights organizing sessions at Rev. Otis Herring’s Union Baptist Church,” wrote Mackey. “Asked about the discrepancy … Biden’s spokesperson argued that the book was written as something of a manifesto for his 2007 campaign and was not intended to be an exhaustive autobiography.”
All in all, this is blatant attempts to pander to the black community but with such laziness that it should be considered insulting. The lie is bad enough, but Biden seems to think he can tell them without being called out after even light scrutiny.
Sadly, he’s right. You won’t find the media calling the Democrat candidate out for his lies despite the fact that they’re lies meant to manipulate the people Democrats claim to protect. If a Republican was doing this, not only would he be called out, he’d be called a racist for daring to treat the black community with such disrespect.
(READ: Biden Launches Seven-Figure Ad Campaign to Target Religious Voters as Dems Attack Catholic Woman)
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