Once again, Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World actor Chris Pratt is being targeted by the mob and once again it’s because he dared to make a joke.
As we all know, a joke in 2020 is like dropping every taboo word in the English language. It’s simply not allowed.
His latest role had him playing a character in the latest Pixar movie “Onward,” where he played the older brother to the main character. The adventure movie was heartwarming with Pratt’s character playing both the comedic and tragic character in the film.
While promoting his film on Instagram, Pratt told his followers that the most important vote of their lives was approaching and that unlike everyone else he’s going to tell you exactly who to vote for.
“With all that’s going on in the world it is more important than ever that you vote,” Pratt wrote. “Just ask any celebrity. They will tell you. Every day. Several times a day. To vote. But me? I will tell you EXACTLY who to vote for. The heroes before us did not spill their blood only to have their sacrifices wasted by your apathy.”
“The upcoming 2020 People’s Choice Awards is the most consequential vote in the history of mankind times a million infinity. Vote for #Onward for family movie of the year. Or else. You WILL die. No hyperbole. Click the link in my bio. Let your voice be heard,” he continued.
The joke is obvious. Pratt is taking a moment to make light of an incredibly important election, and injecting a bit of humor into the overt seriousness 2020 has us in.
Like blood attracting the sharks to tear whatever is bleeding to pieces, a joke attracted the mob. Before Pratt knew it, he was up to his digital knee caps in the sewage that spews forth from the self-appointed internet PC police.
“I get this is supposed to be a cute little joke but it comes off as really insensitive,” said one Instagram user. “The upcoming election is really important and everyone should vote and for you to try and take that and turn it into an ad for your movie is low.”
“Chris what the f*** this ain’t it,” said another.
“This is super insensitive. Read the room. Oh wait you did and decided to mock people,” another wrote.
“YIKES. Imagine the amount of privilege one person can have to write this tone-deaf post,” said another.
“Delete this,” said another.
“I wish I found this funny,” said another.
Others described the post as “inappropriate” or “disappointing.”
Thankfully, these messages were interspersed with people pointing and laughing at these oversensitive dimwits who seem to be allergic to comedy.
Pratt joking about a pretty serious matter isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s necessary. Without humor cutting through the intensity, tension, anger, and sadness of any given situation, people become stressed, angry, and unable to reason. These are characteristics exhibited by humorless social justice warriors constantly.
It would be one thing if they were just keeping their depressing nonsense to themselves but the problem with PC police is that they’re trying to drag everyone else into their misery. They want everybody to be humorless wokescolds like them and claim that if you’re not, then you must be some sort of fascist, a Nazi, or whatever evil boogie man is in vogue this week.
We need more jokes about the election. It can remain a very crucial and serious election and still be the subject of jokes and comedy in general. It needs to be if we’re going to get through this with any level of sanity intact.
Pratt did exactly what we should be doing. The mob is doing exactly what they shouldn’t.
My video below explains more.
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