The owner of the Cowboy’s football team, Jerry Jones, is announcing that when the Cowboys step onto the field this season, the fans can watch them do so in person.
Jon Machota, the Cowboys reporter for The Athletic, reported that Jones said in a statement that “The Dallas Cowboys plan on playing all of our football games and we plan on playing them in front of our fans.”
Jerry Jones: “The Dallas Cowboys plan on playing all of our football games and we plan on playing them in front of our fans.” pic.twitter.com/vivPrAqOZS
— Jon Machota (@jonmachota) August 12, 2020
According to Dallas News, Gov. Greg Abbott said in June that he would allow 45,000 people into the stadium, so Jones is well within legal bounds to do so. AT&T Stadium can seat up to 100,000 while the main seating capacity is 80,000, giving fans more than enough social distancing space.
While this call by Jones will excite and delight Cowboys fans, the internet is already in an uproar over it, sending Jones’s name into the trending list.
Many believe Jones shouldn’t be able to open up his own stadium and allow fans to decide for themselves whether or not they want to risk the virus by attending a game.
I disagree wholeheartedly.
Individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether or not the risk is worth it for them. If a family member is intentionally affected by the virus then they need to sit down as a family and discuss whether this is a risk worth taking.
It should be noted that the risk of getting the virus is already high just by living your daily life. Even during the height of the lockdown, grocery stores were still open for business in order to allow families to obtain food and items. The fact that entire communities were gathering at one point for weeks on end likely helped spread the virus to homes where others became infected.
And that’s just one place.
The fact is that the virus is out there now and it’s not going to just mysteriously disappear. We can’t live our lives in hiding forever and cancel society. Those who run the risk can do what’s necessary to make sure they stay safe from the virus but for everyone else, life is calling.
Besides, getting out and not being in lockdown seems to have paid off for Sweden, which never forced a lockdown. Sweden’s infection rates on a steep decline and deaths are registered at zero for days while other countries in Europe who instituted strict lockdowns are seeing infection rates go back up.
Sweden update 31 July. Zero deaths in past 3 days; 5 in the past week. No lockdowns, no masks, no panic. pic.twitter.com/4CLTBB01nT
— Paul Yowell (@pwyowell) July 31, 2020
Staying at home has never made you safe. It’s likely, given the infectiousness of the virus, that many have had it already and, given its mild effects on many people, they never knew that even had it.
Jerry Jones opening up his stadium for fans to watch the Cowboys play is far from the worst thing that could happen. There’s plenty of social distancing opportunities but regardless, you likely come closer to the virus on a weekly basis just living your everyday life.
Besides, I don’t see these same people losing it over Black Lives Matter protests, which makes this anger against Jones all the more ridiculous.
(READ: Alabama Coach Nick Saban Rejects Hiding From the Virus, Advocates for Choice to Get Out)
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