The Coronavirus was overblown from the beginning and if recent events are any indication, I couldn’t have been proven more right.
The facts are that infection rates vs. death rates weren’t that high to begin with, and much of the death that happened, while highly unfortunate, was caused, in part, by bad leadership from blue city leaders. It was their bright idea to move the most at-risk people, the elderly, into facilities where other elderly people infected with the virus were spreading it like wildfire.
If you were Gretchen Whitmer, you actually giving these facilities money for doing so.
When the pressure of a shutdown economy became too much and too many of our rights had been trampled on, many people began to protest in the streets against these draconian policies and rightfully so. Naturally, Democrats and their media lapdogs began denouncing these gatherings left and right, preaching that their foolishness was going to end the world.
Not long after that, however, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer and these same Democrats and lapdog media couldn’t wait to be the first to applaud the tightly packed protests against police brutality, and even went further to defend rioters and looters. Apparently, the Coronavirus is so woke that it will only affect people who don’t jump on board with the mainstream media’s favorite narrative of the day.
Hilariously, even as they were changing their tune toward the BLM marches and protests, they were still trying to keep any protests against hard-left hypocritical policies under their thumb, and even denouncing it as irresponsible because it might spread the virus.
Take, for example, North Carolina Roy Cooper, who told the ACE Speedway attendees and owners that their peaceful protest wasn’t a peaceful protest at all and that they should be shut down because they’re endangering others.
Just North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper walking around with his mask off at a BLM march after he shut down a raceway because it endangered people with the Coronavirus. pic.twitter.com/4jKyFwfHo9
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) June 16, 2020
Regardless, after weeks of protest, the infection rates haven’t exactly skyrocketed as many people suggested. According to Fox News, the increase in confirmed infections has been minimal:
Minnesota health officials are conducting coronavirus tests for protesters at four sites in Minneapolis and St. Paul, according to the paper.
So far, more than 3,300 protesters have shown up to be tested and of that number, 40 percent — or about 1,300 — have gotten their test results back.
The paper reported that of that number only about 1.4 percent tested positive for the virus, the paper reported.
That’s lower than the 3.7 percent positivity rate reported Friday of 13,000 test results statewide, the paper reported. It is also lower than the current seven-day average rate of positive tests, which also stands at 3.7 percent.
I made the claim that the fervor you’ve seen over the virus and the subsequent attempts to shutdown states, and by extension, the economy, had more of a political flare to it than anything. Eric Trump was dragged over the coals for saying the virus would disappear after November 3, and I couldn’t help but agree with him.
The implication here is that the only reason the blue states (and you’ll notice it was definitely the blue states) locked down for so long despite evidence that infection rates were sinking even in states that had lifted their lockdowns, was a strategy to keep Trump’s economy from resurging and giving him his greatest edge back in the 2020 elections.
(READ: Eric Trump’s Claim That Coronavirus Will Disappear In November Isn’t Wrong)
I can’t see how, given everything that has happened, we’re supposed to take the Coronvarius seriously at all anymore. Sure, those who are the most at-risk should still be protected (just don’t send them to New York or Michigan) but otherwise, it’s been proven that there isn’t enough real concern by our leaders or medical professionals, many of whom are participating in the BLM protests despite asking us to stay home.
As far as I’m concerned, this is over. In reality, it’s been over for some time.