
The Morse Code Ep. 3: Free Hollywood

Created by Brandon Morse for

I’m mad at Hollywood and now you’re going to hear about it.

Earlier today I wrote about how John Krasinski, famed director and actor, has had to answer for his friendliness toward our military. I’m not sure why that requires an explanation, but Krasinski fired back perfectly.

“I’ll always respect people who put their lives on the line for people like me, who they’ve never met,” he said.

This got me thinking about just how imprisoned Hollywood is, and I think it’s time to break it out of jail.

That’s how Episode 3 of The Morse Code is going to go. If you’re as angry as I am about the state of Hollywood and would love to see a change, then you’re going to love hearing me yell into a microphone about it for 30 minutes.


The Morse Code will back again every Friday. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think, as well as give me suggestions about subjects you’d like to hear me talk about!


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