FILE- In this July 30, 2008 file photo, Jeffrey Epstein is shown in custody in West Palm Beach, Fla. Labor Secretary nominee Alexander Acosta is expected to face questions at his Senate confirmation hearing about an unusual plea deal he oversaw for Epstein, a Florida billionaire and sex offender, as U.S. attorney in Miami. (AP Photo/Palm Beach Post, Uma Sanghvi, File)/Palm Beach Post via AP)
The oddities surrounding the “suicide” of financier Jeffrey Epstein is only getting odder as investigators into Epstein’s death are saying that camera footage taken outside of Epstein’s cell is too damaged to be of any use.
Fox News reported on Tuesday that three people in on the matter don’t know why the footage from the prison was determined to be unusable, or if it was an isolated problem or not:
The Washington Post, citing three people briefed on the matter, reported Monday that it is unclear why the footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center, located in Manhattan, N.Y., was determined to be unusable. The report said there is footage in better condition taken of the area.
It is not clear if the issue with the footage is isolated or an ongoing problem at the facility.
The Aug. 10 suicide of the 66-year-old financier – who had spent time under suicide watch just weeks before – prompted drastic measures by Attorney General William Barr. The acting director of the Bureau of Prisons was removed from his position and the two guards who were supposed to be watching Epstein have been placed on administrative leave. The warden of the facility has been temporarily reassigned.
This is only going to enflame conspiracy theorists, but it would be hard to blame them. So many things continue to enter the equation but not add up. This includes such things as Epstein’s former cellmate claiming to be threatened by guards to stay quiet about everything that happened, and the mystery as to why Epstein was taken off of suicide watch.
Other mysteries continue to add to the intrigue, such as a computer that was seen in Epstein’s island compound which suddenly went missing just before the FBI raided the island.
There’s certainly a lot of information to uncover, and the odd incident after odd incident doesn’t help.
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