The much-lauded Women’s March has been revealed as a raging dumpster fire of anti-Semitism. Many people knew that already thanks to the presence of Linda Sarsour, but the depths to which these “woke” activists hated the Jewish people was more or less hidden until lately.
First, it came out that the Women’s March leadership from Sarsour to Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez had something of a fondness for hate preacher Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam.
Now, according to Tablet Magazine, a story has come from witnesses Evvie Harmon that describe a massively anti-Semitic moment happening during the formation of the Women’s March, where Mallory and Perez were berating one of their fellow marchers, Jewish woman Vanessa Wruble, over conspiracies about the Jewish people:
We sat in that room for hours. Tamika told us that the problem was that there were five white women in the room and only three women of color, and that she didn’t trust white women. Especially white women from the South. At that point, I kind of tuned out because I was so used to hearing this type of talk from Tamika. But then I noticed the energy in the room changed. I suddenly realized that Tamika and Carmen were facing Vanessa, who was sitting on a couch, and berating her—but it wasn’t about her being white. It was about her being Jewish. “Your people this, your people that.” I was raised in the South and the language that was used is language that I’m very used to hearing in rural South Carolina. Just instead of against black people, against Jewish people. They even said to her ‘”your people hold all the wealth.” You could hear a pin drop. It was awful.
According to one source, Wruble was central to the Women’s March during its initial formation, handling a lot of the logistics and scheduling.
“From the very beginning, Vanessa was leading,” said the source. “She was the operational leader. She made sure all the people doing our various pieces were operating coherently. She walked people through all of the things that had happened, and then those that needed to happen. Some people were focused on logistics, some on community engagement, other people were working on the website—and she was the linchpin of it all, especially in the early days.”
The anti-Semitism was only further proven during the Women’s March phone call that spoke to fellow organizers around the nation. During the phone call, Mallory’s attendance at Farrakhan’s Saviors’ Day speech raised a lot of questions and felt that the respect for Farrakhan went against a lot of the principles held by the Women’s March. Instead of apologizing, Farrakhan was defended by Women’s March leadership:
On Mar. 11, 2018, the Women’s March had their bi-weekly phone call with national organizers. The public controversy had started to explode over Mallory’s attendance at the Saviours’ Day event, during which, in the course of a three-hour speech, Farrakhan blamed Jews for “degenerate behavior in Hollywood, turning men into women and women into men.” Angie Beem, president of the Washington State chapter, remembered that phone call. “Many of us were upset,” Beem told Tablet. “She is the face of a women’s march, and our mission and values are equality and inclusion. To openly praise someone like this went against everything we were supposed to stand by.” Beem described a sense of awkwardness as Mallory went on to defend Farrakhan to over 40 women on the call. And she wasn’t alone, Beem said; Perez and Bland jumped in to defend him as well. “They said to us: ‘You know, he has done some great things for people of color.’ They didn’t denounce anything he said, they only did that recently.”
According to Tablet, any Jewish women who were involved have gone from the Women’s March leadership says a former spokesperson for the Women’s March Mercy Morganfield.
“There are no Jewish women on the board,” said Morganfield. “They refused to put any on. Most of the Jewish people resigned and left. They refused to even put anti-Semitism in the unity principles.”
It would appear that Mallory, Sarsour, and Perez’s friendship with Farrakhan is costing them dearly. Already the Women’s March has had a Human Rights award stripped from them over their anti-Semitic stances.
What’s more, Theresa Shook, the Women’s March founder, has called for Perez, Sarsour, and Mallory to step down over their un-inclusiveness and anti-semitism. It would appear that many of those who support the Women’s March agree with Shook if the comments are to be any indication.
So much for staying woke.
(h/t: DailyWire)
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